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This reply has been marked as private.October 13, 2019 at 7:00 pm in reply to: Errors Showing on Listings Pages When Running WP in Debug Mode #512906
OK will do sorry
Just noticed same issue happening on duplicate site I am currently working on upgrading from v1 to v2. Not using Facebook api at present
Hi Alex thanks for the update. At least I know I’m not missing something. I will need to think now as to best way to achieve what I need and may have to come back for a little more advice on implementing your suggestions. In the meantime if developers could find a way of building excerpt length back into this short code it would be very useful , thanks again , Andy
Unfortunately if I do that it seems to change excerpt length everywhere. I need to simply be able to do it on a page where I am using a short code to deliver a limited amount of results. In V1 I was able to modify the short code I used to pull the result. Is this not now possible in V2 and if not is the any chance it could be implemented ? Cheers
Sorry Alex, I maybe didn’t make things clear or I’m just looking at things wrong …
I am using this shortcode to drop a few key events onto home page as per attached image. I need to be able to control the excerpt length. How do I use GD Post Content along with the shortcode?
[gd_listings post_type=”gd_event” event_type=”upcoming” single_event=”1″ tags=”featured” sort_by=”event_dates_asc” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”0″ post_limit=”3″ view_all_link=”o” bottom_pagination=”1″ category=”0″ ]
Shortcode builder works almost perfectly other than not having option to limit characters showing in excerpt which V1 did. This is quite important to me. Is there a way to do this manually?
Sorry, been a bit dim think I have answer now so please disregard
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Kiran, will get login details off to you during the morning. No great urgency on my part as I have plenty of other things to do before re-launching site on V2. I will check out your suggestion first though
To answer Alex’s question no we aren’t using buddypress
cheers, Andy
Sorry just realised I only set bypass url for 4 hours, now extended to two days
That should say tab on our Facebook page …
Works perfectly thanks
Thanks Paolo will try this in morning and let you know how it works