giuseppe cuttone

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  • giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @grenzecho first thanks for you reply.
    Also thanks to accept I am right when I say that INFINITE SCRILL has not sense with a FIX MAP. It is absurd.
    Map in sidebar is a solution for desktop devices.
    For mobile divices solution should be a FLOTING/DROPDOWN MAP in order to show it when user want.
    About your doubt (“should the map only show the places that are currently visible? Ideally, both should be possible”), has I explaned in my previously post I tested infinite scroll on my page, and when there are a lot of listings/posts (this is the case when user do scroll…) the resultate of the map is a too populate map with too icons.. and it is not a good map to show… it is very confused…
    So good solution is to show only currently/visible listings/posts.
    Another solution can be to show currently/visible listings/posts and show the others with “clouster map addon” so map will have a more confortable vision (but show with “clouster map addon” only the rest of listing and not current listigs.
    As last, to know that INFINITE SCROLL as you say is “an option for us in the future” of course is a good notice… But it seams too many years we are waitig to get that (my first post was 3 years ago and it has not been implemented in GD V2.
    Maybe only my doughter will see INFINITE SCROLL for GD hahahaha
    As I said previously, in my opinion a good solution is always a flexible solution… and flexible solution is allow to admin to decide in setting:
    depending each CUSTOM POST TYPE.
    So developer should not decide what system… but implement both of them.
    This is my opinion…

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @grenzecho @guust @wyohost @ayecode_alex and @stiofan
    I am very happy to see how others people are asking about infinite scroll.
    You should considerate I asked to GD team about this feature 3 years ago… But from beginning no very good interest was showed from developers… and that surprised me because “infinite Scroll” is one of the most powerfull features maked in developer’s world.
    So I tried to find an external solution. The unique solution I found was DMD plugin
    I suggested to DMD developer to make a payment addon because free version was not all compatible.
    So DMD developer opened the follow thread:
    in order to have more information, but I think finally DMD developer dont updated plugin with stiofan’s instruction.
    Said that, the unique problem I remember I found was just the problem reported from Frabrice “it doesn’t integrate well with the map, which in our case is at the top of the page”.
    Yes you are right. An infinite scroll cant be integrated with a upstair map… But what I dont understand is why you want integrate it with upstair map? It has no sense to do that due to “nature” of infinite scroll… INFINITE SCROLL is a feature to go scroll down and open automatically new posts, and when you find an interesting post it has no sense scroll up to see the map to look about its location… It has no sense… Sure… Of course…
    To integrate INFINITE SCROLL with GD, solution shoul be different. Follow I give you my proposal:
    GD must provide to administrato 2 solutions/options:
    Solution 1: Pagination
    Solution 2: Infinite Scroll
    Who choose solution 1 can introduce map at the top of page
    Who choose solution 2 can’t introduce map at the top of page, but should choose map in SIDEBAR. With this solution map always will follow user in its “state of searching posts” and when user find an interesting post it can see locatioon on the map hosted in sidebar, without scroll up at the beginning of page…
    The unique problem is the follow: using DMD infinite scroll plugin when user do scroll new posts opened will populate old map where there are posts of previously paginations. So after to do scroll a few times map in SIDEBAR will show too much posts… Location of previously posts more new posts… and that is very confused.
    So solution is to show in the map only posts of ACTUAL PAGINATION user is found. Maybe I am not explaning well… Follow an example:
    First I decide to many posts I want to show, for example I decide to show 10 post for each page. Also decide to enable infinite scroll. Ok.
    1. As first, user will see posts from 1 to 10 and in the map in sidebar will be showed location of posts from 1 to 10.
    2. Now user will decide scroll down => posts from 11 to 20 will be automatically opened and in the map in sidebar will be showed location of posts from 11 to 20.
    3. Now user will decide scroll down => posts from 21 to 30 will be automatically opened and in the map in sidebar will be showed location of posts from 21 to 30.
    4. Now user will decide SCROLL UP to posts from 11 to 20. In this case in the map in sidebar will be showed location of posts from 11 to 20.
    5. Now user will decide SCROLL UP to posts from 1 to 10. In this case in the map in sidebar will be showed location of posts from 1 to 10.
    I think rhis example show perfectlly what I want to say.
    This is the unique way to have an INFINITE SCROLL “with sense” for geodirectory.
    Resuming is:
    – Provide 2 options to administrator. (OPTION A: upstair map + optional sidebar map; OPTION 2: only optional sidebar map)
    – Make the modification needed to show in the map only the posts of the ACTUAL POSITION where user is found.
    I hope developer are in acording with this solution and finally administrator we can have an INFINITE SCROLL for geodirectory.
    Is veritable so strange that after 3 years we are working around without to determine a GD correct solution for one of the powerfull feature for SOCIALS NETS. This is strange but this is real… I hope developer will reconsidere its positions and will reflexione about my proposal.
    Please, let me know if there is some possibilities to have it running with my solution or if we can definitivelly forget INFINITE SCROLL for GD.
    I hope your reply.

    in reply to: How to create a package Multi listing #406862

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    @stiofan one year ago in the follow topic:
    said me the follow:

    "New payment system should be released next week. You will be able to invoice for anything, but if invoicving for multiple listings you would have to manually set them published/draft."

    I replied him the follow:

    "ok I understand.
    But published/draft option is not aplied to specific POST TYPE…
    It is an option refered at all POSTS TYPE.
    Depending to the post type, admin can consider convenient allow user to publish for certain custom posts type, or make a draft for others custopm post type.
    So, maybe, it will be convenient sllow the administrator to select which post type will be make like “published”, and which will be make like a “draft”.
    Do you think like me? And will you add this change…
    Let me know."

    After that, I have had no reply about this topic.
    I hope you reply.

    in reply to: To better BuddyPress Menú #403090

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @ayecode_alex and @stiofan
    Thanks to reply to me 🙂
    In order to clarify to ALEX I say the follow.
    At this time BuddyPress Menú is as follow:
    where “FAVORITE” and “REVIEWS” are located in the MAIN MENÚ
    But I think that this two option should be showed in the secondari menú (down LISTING), just like in the follow image:
    I think that because “FAVORITE” and “REVIEWS” are done reference to LISTING and they are not a general option of BuddyPress Menú, but they are sub-option of LISTING.
    I think it is a more ordenate solution show them just I have suggest you.
    But you are the developers… and you decide…. 🙂
    Thanks for your support.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384442

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384441

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi kirian,
    1. About width of Map Sticky, I have seen you has added CSS in my web. Thanks 🙂
    But there is a litle problem, listing in the big map (width of 100%) are centered in the map. But in the Map Sticky listing are not centered because with your code map has reduced 50% the map on the right zone, and now is showed only the 50% of the left zone.
    Do you understand what I say?
    Please, see the follow link and I am sure you will understand.
    2. About Mark Cluster, it is an option located into GMAP listing Page widget, so why I can not use it? If it do not run maybe you should delete it.
    I inform you that now INFINITE SCROLL is also compatible for Geodirectory.
    You can see in my web it how run… 🙂
    Maybe, before to have INFINITE SCROLL there was no sense to enable Mark CLUSTER in listing page. But now, with an infinite scroll plugin compatible with geodirectoy, users have a LARGE LISTING ON THE MAP.
    you told me:

    Marker cluster should be used if you have larger number of markers to show on map

    Now I have a large number of markers, but this function is not compatible with PINPOINT.
    Maybe it will be convenient consult this problem with stiofan or paolo and get a decision about that.

    Please, let me know about Question 1 and 2.

    Thanks very very very much for your support.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384415

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @kirianprajapati
    I have enabled MARKER CLUSTER option and it generates a conflict with PINPOINT.
    If I do click in a listing that is showed in a map as a individual icon PINPOINT run well.
    But if I do click in a listing that is showed in a map as a CLUSTER, PINPOINT button do not run. Maybe in this case whe I do click to PINPOINT CLUSTER should be broken / opened, and maybe automatically a zoom to the listing should will be done.
    I hope you can resolve also this bug.
    Please, let me know.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384373

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384371

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    hi @kirianprajapati
    Thanks for resolve the bug.
    Follow your ftp acces.

    I also have resolved the PROBLEM 2. It was very simple. I have add GD MAP LISTING PAGE widget to the GD LISTING TOP SECTION and I have enabled the follow option:
    Map Sticky(should stick to the right of screen), located into the widget.
    Off course I have deleted GD MAP LISTING PAGE from sidebar that was showing map on smartphones on the down zone.
    Now, when user does click to PINPOINT using smatphone, the map on the down zone is not showed and page will scroll upped to the map located on the upper zone (so it will not generate conflict with INFINITE SCROLL PLUGIN).
    I only have a litle problem I can resolve using CSS, but I need your help… 🙂
    In GD MAP LISTING PAGE widget, I have introduced in the field “Map Width” the value of 100%.
    But now, also the “Map Sticky” (showed on the right zone) also has a width of 100% and off course I do not like it ….
    I would like reduce “Map Sticky” to 50%, and let a width of 100% for the default map showed on the upper zone.
    Can you provide the correct CSS?
    Thank you so much for your support.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #384008

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, thanks for your feedback.
    PROBLEM 1 (vertical moviment of the icon and open of litle window):
    I thought that due to the double no compatibility with each theme, you will be been forced / obliged to resolve the issue to each themes with a new update of the plugin, so also others users that are using ENFOLD or TWENTY SEVENTEEN theme, and they have not been realized about this error, they could have also resolved this error.
    I have done test with TWENTY SEVENTEEN for to understand if the error is also showed to the default theme.
    My theme is ENFOLD. I have changed theme from TWENT SEVENTEEN to ENFOLD.
    Now you can have a look into ENFOLD.

    PLOBELM 2 (infinite scroll):
    Yes, I changed sidebar from right to the left, but in mobiles the map continue to be showed to the down zone, so it generate conflict to INFINITE SCROLL…
    Now I will change the theme to ENFOLD, where is just selected left sidebar, so you can have a look.
    But even if I select in ENFOLD “show sidebar to the left”, if you do scroll down map will disappear from left zone and it will be showed a map to the right zone, overlapping to the listing.

    About your question:
    I just switched the sidebar in GD with 2017 theme. I see some custom CSS code which overrides the GD sidebar styles. Did you add any custom CSS?
    I have not added CSS. Please, let me know where are located this CSS and copy and past it here so I can have a look.

    I hope your reply.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #383942

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    in order to do not do confusion, I will create 2 separate problem.

    PROBLEM 1 (Vertical moviment of icon not activated and litle windows with picture nevar opened)
    I have done a test with TWENTE SEVENTEEN theme.
    See the video:
    In the first 2 listing where I clicked to PINPOINT, only vertical moviment of icon was activated, and litle windows with picture was not opened.
    In the therd listing where I clicked to PINPOINT all is gone well. Vertical moviment of icon was activated and also litle windows with picture was opened.
    In the fourteen listing where I clicked to PINPOINT only vertical moviment of icon was activated. Litle window with picture was not opened, and remained opened the previously wlitle window .
    In the fifth listing where I clicked to PINPOINT all is gone well. Vertical moviment of icon was activated and also litle windows with picture was opened.
    I have done tests several times, and my conclusion is that with TWENTE SEVENTEEN theme some times it run well, and some times no…
    With ENFOD the error is “more big”. If I use ENFOLD (adding the code you provided me), map is showed (it is ok), but:
    1. Vertical moviment of icon is nevar activated
    2. Litle window with picture is nevar opened.

    PROBLEM 2 (Infinite scroll for Geodirectory)
    Maybe for this problem I need the reply of @stiofan because it sound more a strategic question. I know at this time Geodirectory has not bet for a own infinite scroll system. Off course, I respect this decision. Maybe to develope a own INFINITE SCROLL addon it requeres too time. In addition to that, only a few people has asked for it, so INFINITE SCROLL is not a priority work and maybe it will be developed nevar. I am sure that geodirectory clients have not asked for this feature because thay do not know powerfull of INFINITE SCROLL. If we compare PAGINATION SYSTEM with INFINITE SCROLL SYSTEM, all people know who is the winner…Infinite scroll allow visitor keep the view of visitor in the desktop thanks to the automatic opened of listing. But I have not resourch for make a campain into geodirectory client in order to say if thay like INFINITE SCROLL or not.
    Said that, I am traing to make compatible the following INFINITE SCROLL plugin with geodirectory:
    The developer are looking for the correct javascript in order to update map when visitor after scroll down pass from page 1 to page 2 and so on…
    But it is not enough because there is the problem related to the map. I explain following:
    If map is showed down the listing, and visitor does click to PINPOINT, page will scroll down automatically to the map, but after 1 second map will disappear because it will be transported to the down zone of the page.
    This problem can be resolved if map is showed to the upper zone, so when visitor does click in PINPOINT button the scroll will be to the upper zone and infinite scroll will not be activated.
    I have changed siderbar from right to the left, but map is always showed to the down zone.
    So I ask to @stiofan the following: Can you help me in show map to the upper zone? It will help me in make an INFINITE SCROLL plugin compatible with Geodirectory 🙂
    When it will be done I can share it with the others users 🙂

    Please, let me know.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #383845

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @giri,
    have you sure have you tested my web with mobile?
    I think you forgotten that the problem is with mobiles.
    With descktop computer PINPOINT button has always runned well, included before to add the last CSS.
    The problem is with mobiles.
    With TWENTY SEVENTEEN theme, in the down zone, after the listings, there is a map. If I am right, I have not added this map using windget. It is a map by default. So when I do click to PINPOINT page automatically will scroll down to the map. With TWENTY SEVENTEEN theme there only is a litle problem: After to do click to PINPOINT, and automatically to be redirected down to the map, litle windows with picture is not opened… I need to do click to another PINPOINT and only in this case litle windows will be opened.
    With Enfold Theme there is not the map to the down zone, so PINPOINT does not run absolutely…

    In addition to this error I ask also about a “conflict” between PINPOINT feature and INFINITE for GEODIRECTORY I will have when INFINITE SCROLLwwill be ready.
    I suggest a good solution is show the map to the up zone (above), so when PINPOINT is clicked page will scroll up and no down.
    I think that maybe with this simple change, we can make a INFINITE SCROLL plugin also compatible for GeoDirectory.
    Please, retourn to read my first post, where I details alls errors and also conflict with infinite scroll.
    I am sure after to read my first post, you will understand bettar
    If somethings is not clear, please, let me know.
    I hope your reply.
    Thanks for your support.

    in reply to: Litle ZOOM ERROR with ENFOLD THEME in mobiles devices #383841

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Ok, it is very good now.
    1000 thanks for you support.

    in reply to: Litle ZOOM ERROR with ENFOLD THEME in mobiles devices #383826

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    great. Now listings are showed well, and in general al the page is showed well.
    Now, also in Widget of Categories is showed the complete text. But it seems there are two columns into the same widget. Please see with mobile the follow link:
    It is not at all very well.
    I think it will be better reduce size of text (only to mobiles. At this time is too big…).
    In addition to that I think it will be bettar show 1 categories per 1 line. This solution will provide a more clean and linear design. At this time it seems like desordered…
    Some code in order to do that?
    Thanks for your great support.

    in reply to: Some ERROR in Pinpoint function #383763

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @giri
    I have not experimented this error using differents mobiles devices. Link in MAIN MENÚ are redirecting to the correspondent CPT. I also have used iPhone 7 and all run well.
    If you can not test my web due to the NO LINK in MAIN Menú, maybe you can test my web and see the errors I described previously getting acces to CPT directly using URL.
    So I provide you an URL for test my web and see the errors I described previously.
    URL are for example:

    I hope your reply.
    Thanks for your support.

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