Atilla Boz

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  • in reply to: Search and listings page map zoom #356169

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hello Giri!

    I can say – it works! Thank you very much!!

    I just had 2 things that slowed me down, so if any other WPGD beginners read this check this out:

    1. Dont copy the + signs at he beginning of the code lines 131 – 145
    At first I wasn`t sure if those + are needed or just from that editor 😉

    2. If you ask yourself where to add those 5 lines from the new filter, do not search around in the wordpress area for something like – code snippets – and also do not try to add it at GD > Design > Scripts cause that`s not the place to add it. Better open the functions.php file of your theme and add the code at the end of the file.

    Good luck everyone and thank you again Giri! Is this going to be added in the next version?

    Kind regards,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    @Kor Chung I will try it out and come back to this post.
    @guust Also I good idea I had in mind, but I did not want to change the Settings of the Large Size images of WordPress itself. I chose now 2500 x 1500 as max sizes – that would be definetely too much for a usual WP large size image. But you are still the best 🙂

    in reply to: Search and listings page map zoom #353637

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Giri,

    I am very interested in that hook, too. Could you please post or send me the code so I can add and upload it? Would be great!

    Thank you in advance,

    in reply to: Supreme Directory – max. upload size for directory entries #352224

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Oh well… but I will have to change those sizes after every geodirectory update again.
    So it works for now, but is not the best solution 🙂

    Is there a kind of feature wishlist? If yes please let me know where it is, or just add (to your list) the function to be able to choose max width and max height sizes by yourself individually.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Supreme Directory – max. upload size for directory entries #352214

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    YES! This worked!
    In the code I posted before, I changed the numbers in the first line after default =
    and in the second last line after large_size_w

    And I also changed the height with this piece of code in line 2607:

    function geodir_media_image_large_height( $default = 1500, $params = '' ) {   
    	$large_size_h = get_option( 'large_size_h' );
    	$large_size_h = $large_size_h > 0 ? $large_size_h : $default;
    	$large_size_h = absint( $large_size_h );
    	if ( ! get_option( 'geodir_use_wp_media_large_size' ) ) {
    		$large_size_h = 1500;                                        

    Then re-uploaded the general_functions.php file, cleared the caches and voilà, it works!

    in reply to: Supreme Directory – max. upload size for directory entries #352205

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    I think I found it in this file:

    in line 2573, where it says:

    function geodir_media_image_large_width( $default = 800, $params = '' ) {  /* ANPASSUNG - 2000 aus 800 gemacht */
    	$large_size_w = get_option( 'large_size_w' );
    	$large_size_w = $large_size_w > 0 ? $large_size_w : $default;
    	$large_size_w = absint( $large_size_w );
    	if ( ! get_option( 'geodir_use_wp_media_large_size' ) ) {
    		$large_size_w = 800;                                        /* ANPASSUNG - 2000 aus 800 gemacht */

    I changed those 800 against 2000 and a few lines under that code there the settings for the height it seems. Let me check out out quickly and get back to you.

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Guust it`s me again…

    I finally took the time to check it out but found out that setting still does not allow me to upload big enough images. I thought I could totally deactivate the resizing. But the only thing it made was setting it to another maximum size, which is still not enough for our uses.

    Instead of 800 x 800px the max size now is 1024 x 1024 – but we need at leat 1920px width to make the header images look crispy & clear on big monitors, too.

    Maybe you can tell me the place in the script, where I can find the 800 x 800 px thing so I can change it in the file manually to something bigger? Would be great.

    And maybe for the next version you could add 1 or 2 more options for the header sizes, or maybe let people enter a size by themself in the admin area.

    Thanks you in advance,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Awww so easy 🙂
    Thank you so much for helping out Guust!

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: GD Business hours setup? #351203

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Jeff,

    thank you for your quick response! Ok I could finally figure it out what setting I missed. When I was on the Plugin setting page it just gave me a link to the price settings and I did not know what to do there.

    Since I am using the Payment Manager plugin, I had to figure out, where to find that setting. Thanks to your documentation I had a good hint. For your next buyers you might want to add 1 or 2 screenshots about how to find that place of setting to allow Open Hours for each post type.

    BTW: When you go to the plugins page in wordpress, and click on “Go to plugin page” it just takes you here: – so you might want to link up your new and nice documentation URL. You will get a little less questions from frustrated noobs like me then, I guess 😉

    Have a good weekend and keep up the good work!

    in reply to: Supreme Directory: navigation font-weight #329820

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    I got it!

    I could use it this way:

    body {
        font-family: 'Lato-Light';

    it did not work because of the free space between the words “Lato” and “Light”, that I have used before. So this one does NOT work.

    body {
        font-family: 'Lato Light';

    Thank you for the brilliant support.

    in reply to: Supreme Directory: navigation font-weight #329817

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hello Giri,

    Here is the supreme theme google fonts source code screenshot.

    Did you forget to add the screenshot?

    And yes, I needed more options – in this case I needed 300. So I went to that page, searched a little and then found the place to customize on the bottom right corner. I downloaded the font. Then I added a new folder in the theme called fonts and added Lato-Light.ttf into that folder and these lines to my CSS:

    @font-face {
        font-family: Lato Light;
        src: url('../font/Lato-Light.ttf');

    But I could not get the Light font like that. I did something wrong?

    Now I used the embed code, and it works perfect, when I add the line into the header and chose font-weight 300.

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    Thank`s for the hint!
    In the screenshots you (& others) can see the settings and embed code.

    Thank you again,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Yes! That worked, thank you very much!

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hello Guust,

    yes but the one of the active link. Like when I`m on Blog, the blog link should get pink.
    Normally it would be

    .sd #primary-nav ul li a:active

    but it does not work.

    Kind regards.

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Supreme Directory: How to change the container with? #322385

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    And as you can see I excluded all other classes besides just .container so other parts of the page don`t get affected. Because at the first try it made some other areas also 100% which looked buggy.

    Now I got my fullwidth elements really as fullwidth, without any padding to the right and left.

    Thank you very much again, for your kind support!

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