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  • in reply to: Get listing description and images #21262

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Spoke too soon for the image thumbnails. I used the code below, but thumbnails don’t show. Any idea where I went wrong?

    add_action('geodir_details_main_content', 'geodir_detail_page_images_hc', 31);
    function geodir_detail_page_images_hc() {
    	$post_images = geodir_get_images($post->ID,'thumbnail');
    		$thumb_image = '';
    			foreach($post_images as $image){
    				$thumb_image .=	'<a href="'.$image->src.'">';
    				$thumb_image .= geodir_show_image($image,'thumbnail',true,false);
    				$thumb_image .= '</a>';
    	echo $thumb_image;
    in reply to: Get listing description and images #21260

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thank you very much! This was exactly what I was looking for. I probably came across it in custom_functions.php but not knowing knowing PHP fluently, I didn’t realize I could just use that part.

    For anyone interested, I basically placed these each in their own function, and then used an action to load each piece on the page.

    in reply to: Change display order of field #20357

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    I figured out one way to do this via CSS:

    span[itemprop=”streetAddress”]:after {
    content: “, “;

    If there is a better way please share!


    in reply to: Change display order of field #20354

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thanks I was looking for a way to remove the line breaks.

    Is there a way to add commas after each field? So that it would look something like: 100 McLevin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M1B 5K1 Canada

    Thank you.

    in reply to: How to customize details sidebar #20291

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thank you, that helps but requires a lot of digging around.

    It would be great to see some kind of layout editor in the future, with placeholders/shortcodes for each piece of listing information.

    Over to the request forum!

    in reply to: How to customize details sidebar #20118

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Would it be possible to enlighten those who couldn’t figure it out?

    I’m familiar with hooks and actions, but can’t fine what to remove and add.


    in reply to: Importing Listings without Lat/Long #20065

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    I have the same issue with requiring the long/lat.

    Pawon, your semi-solution worked great! A bit of a pain to go into each one after, but the best workaround so far.


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