Christy Robinson
Forum Replies Created
Was this ever completed? Thank you.
I actually made sure to add the categories in the order I wanted them, so if it were ordering them by the ID it would be perfect. It is actually putting the categories in alphabetical order. I really need to fix this so please help me.
Thank you so much. With your direction I was able to fix it.
Oh, I was not aware. Thank you so much for letting me know. I spent more time than I should have setting them up.
I am still having trouble understanding the response to my question. How can I sort the categories on the listing pages? Example:
Please see how the listing looks really weird with it showing the place categories in this odd order.
Also, how do I get the Happy Hour Details to be the first tab on the listing page instead of More Info?
Would like to know the same.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I have to say, I am pretty disappointed with this support. I just moved my entire site and rebuilt it! And now I have spent hours trying to figure out this glitch on my own. All I keep hearing is that it is my fault, and I don’t even know how to do custom styling and I have not done any.
Hi Stiofan, I have not done any custom styling. Please let me know how I can get the add listing page to work.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Stiofan and Gust,
Okay, I did a full new site setup with x theme and geodirectory on my cloudaccess hosting. Please take a look. Now I cannot access the Add Listing at all. When I add listing to the menu via using the tick box in the GD Settings it is also not lining up with my other menu options. I really wanted to get this fixed today, so if able, please help me 🙂
You can view at
Also you can view the xtheme changelog here: They made some changes to the shortcodes yesterday.
The wordpress hosting is with Godaddy, however I host another site with X theme on it and do not have any issues. I also did not have issues with this site with the geodirectory tool until I added the xtheme to it.
I have the plugin GoDaddy created turned off, and I always flush the cache when making changes. The GoDaddy Settings thing at the top of my dashboard leads you to the wordpress hosting settings which just includes ftp passwords and domain settings etc.
So it does seem to be something involving both X and GeoDirectory. One thing I noticed was that X theme has four “stacks” (child themes) and I am using the once called ICON. In the CSS language for the X theme compatibility there was language in there mentioning “Ethos” which is one of the child themes. I changed the word Ethos to Icon but it didn’t help. It actually didn’t seem to make a difference, but just thought I would let you know in case the compatibility code was made just for the X-theme child theme Ethos.
This reply has been marked as private.My main problem is this page:
It looks like all of the headings are gone, and only one button is using the proper style.
Hi Gust, I have X selected, but am I suppose to select import? If so, it asks for a JSON code to be input. What is that and where do I get it?