Irina Davidov

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  • in reply to: Where can I edit "details Info area" #535791

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    How can I get the same adress format in the customs adress field?
    there is zip after the city,
    I need %%street%% %%zip%% %%city%%

    in reply to: Where can I edit "details Info area" #535597

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    this works great for my german Address // %%street%% %%zip%% %%city%%

    add_filter( ‘sd_details_output_address_shortcode’, ‘sd_details_output_address_shortcode_callback’);
    function sd_details_output_address_shortcode_callback( $address_shortcode ){
    $address_shortcode = ‘[gd_post_address show=”icon-value” address_template=”%%street%% %%zip%% %%city%%” alignment=”left”]’;
    return $address_shortcode;

    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Where can I edit "details Info area" #535596

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    Thank you.
    I need this form: %%street%% %%zip%% %%city%%

    add_filter( ‘sd_details_output_address_shortcode’, ‘sd_details_output_address_shortcode_callback’);
    function sd_details_output_address_shortcode_callback( $address_shortcode ){
    // %%street%%, %%zip%%,%%city%%
    $address_shortcode = ‘[gd_post_address show=”icon-value” address_template=”%%street%%” alignment=”left”]’;
    return $address_shortcode;
    $address_shortcode = ‘[gd_post_address show=”icon-value” address_template=”%%zip%%” alignment=”left”]’;
    return $address_shortcode;

    but how can I remove %%region%%,%%country%% ?

    in reply to: How to disable longitude, map, region, neighborhood, #535594

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    I need street, zip and city, so I can not remove the location completely from CPT.
    I already made all this GD settings and this works on the frontend.
    But in Dashboard -> add new location -> all this: set pin on the map, longitude, latitude are stil there. The map is not there but the button “set location on the map” is stil there
    Css like
    .wp-admin #geodir_post_info #geodir_address_map_row {display:none!important}
    doesn´t work at all.

    How can I remove them from Dashboard ->add new location?

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    The answer is: delete ( show_logo=’true’ ) from
    [gd_post_images type=’image’ condition=’is_not_empty’ ajax_load=’true’ link_to=’post’ show_logo=’true’ ]

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    I don´t want them to be changed with Logo

    Irina Davidov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    Sorry, but I have 4 images in each post.
    I don´t want them to be changed with Logo.
    My problem is on the GD Archive Page (Listing page), the only shortcode there is.
    [gd_loop layout=3] this includes everything.
    Since I activated the logo field other post images in the same post are replaced by logo, so I have two Logos on different places

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