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  • in reply to: Deals or Vouchers Addon #18810

    Post count: 188

    Hi Chris:

    I have an mCred add-on for the original GT-Vouchers, but have to test it with the GeoDirectory version.

    I’ll let you know how that goes.

    in reply to: Counted for favorite feature #18751

    Post count: 188

    It seems like a very small amount of information to have on it’s own tab.

    “This listing is favorited by ## people.”

    is really all it would say.

    in reply to: Better apply_filter support #18750

    Post count: 188

    Moreover, this function doesn’t work properly. The code allows both $pkg_id and $pid to be passed in blank.

    If you pass in ” (nothing) for $pkg_id the code tries to look in POST_DETAIL_TABLE which is only defined in the GeoDir_Share_Location plugin, and wouldn’t be correct anyway as it doesn’t account for custom post types.

    function geodir_get_post_package_info( $pkg_id = '', $pid = '')
    	global $wpdb;
    			$pkg_id =	$wpdb->get_var(
    										"SELECT package_id FROM ".POST_DETAIL_TABLE." WHERE post_id = %d",
    	$priceinfo =	$wpdb->get_results(
    										"SELECT * FROM ".GEODIR_PRICE_TABLE." WHERE pid = %d",

    (This isn’t the complete function, only the important part).

    in reply to: Add feature check-in for reviews #18716

    Post count: 188

    What does “turn back” mean?

    in reply to: Hooks needed – Custom Fields #18438

    Post count: 188

    Hey Boxportable, I just want to check in.

    Why do you need hooks for custom fields? GeoDirectory offers custom field management built-in for each post type (including the default places), and will automatically add them to the forms if you set the options.

    Additionally, there are functions (not hooks) that can be run one time (via a plugin or theme) to programmatically add them. I used this in my GT-Vouchers plugin.

    While I agree that more hooks/filters are needed, and a list would be nice, so far I’ve found the custom fields options built in to work quite well.

    in reply to: Syntax Error #17811

    Post count: 188

    There’s a LOT of those in the codebase. Like Paolo said, it shouldn’t affect the user (they shouldn’t see it).

    in reply to: NEW Plugin – Business Hours #17632

    Post count: 188

    Hi Thomas:

    For the open/closed status, I rely on the server time & WordPress settings of the timezone to calculate it.

    Go to the Settings -> General page to check what it shows as the current time and that it matches your local time.

    in reply to: WpGD Customization and Theme integration #17388

    Post count: 188

    Hey folks, sorry for the delays.

    I’ve just released GT Vouchers for GeoDirectory on the ThemeTailors website.

    Check it out here.

    in reply to: Deals or Vouchers Addon #17387

    Post count: 188

    Hey folks, sorry for the delays.

    I’ve just released GT Vouchers for GeoDirectory on the ThemeTailors website.

    Check it out here.

    in reply to: Vouchers or Coupons plugin #17386

    Post count: 188

    Ok, after much waiting, many other projects and a cross-country move, GT Vouchers for GeoDirectory is finally available on ThemeTailors.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

    in reply to: Error when only 1 post in a post type #17287

    Post count: 188

    You could be right. I have the latest version installed now, but may have updated after I posted, as I don’t see the error.

    Let’s call this closed.

    in reply to: NEW Plugin – Business Hours #17156

    Post count: 188

    Great question Adam. The ThemeTailors site only allows 1 image, so I’ll post it here.

    Each “hour” box has a dropdown to select the time, or you can type into it.

    It’s also running on my demo site:

    You can use the user “demouser” and the same for the password.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: Checkbox Field needs to be fixed!! Please! #16981

    Post count: 188

    It should be possible to update this in the DB, but it’s a bit tricky for existing data.

    The geodir_custom_fields table is straightforward enough and with each row, you can edit it by hand, changing 3 fields it appears.

    1) data_type for select is empty (was VARCHAR for checkbox)
    2) field_type will now be “select” (no quotes)
    3) option_values will need your choices (No answer (or a blank), Yes, No)

    The trick is that the data in geodir_(post_type_name)_detail is a bit corrupted. Let’s deal with one generic column called “wheelchair” for wheelchair access, and our choices are “No Answer”, “Yes” and “No”.

    “No Answer” seems needed as you can’t create an empty entry in the select list that I can see.

    Right now, where you checked the box before, it has a 1 in the column “wheelchair” which is easy, because it means it is wheelchair accessible. So you can update all of those like (untested queries):

    UPDATE geodir_gd_place_detail SET geodir_wheelchair='Yes' WHERE geodir_wheelchair = '1';

    The problem comes with “no” or “no answer” because right now many of those are showing 0 for both cases – which is your original problem. You need to choose whether to leave those as “No” or make them all empty when you don’t know the correct value.

    Set all to “No”:

    UPDATE geodir_gd_place_detail SET geodir_wheelchair='No' WHERE geodir_wheelchair <> 'Yes';

    Clear all unknown:

    UPDATE geodir_gd_place_detail SET geodir_wheelchair=NULL WHERE geodir_wheelchair <> 'Yes';

    – this basically clears them. It’s not “No” and it’s not “No Answer” just empty or unanswered.

    Brian, You know how to reach me if you need help with this. I can also chat on Skype at jeff.rose1 if that’s better than email.

    in reply to: Checkbox Field needs to be fixed!! Please! #16975

    Post count: 188

    Unfortunately that’s the way checkboxes work. They have 2 states, on and off.

    What you’re asking for is 3 states/options: Yes, No and “No Answer” which checkboxes don’t do. There are some custom checkboxes that do allow a “partial” state, but those are just masking some other functionality.

    in reply to: NEW Plugin – Business Hours #16967

    Post count: 188

    Thanks for the positive words guys, I really appreciate it!

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