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  • in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52478

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    🙂 I understand. I’m just being a prick. haha

    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52474

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    You think you’ll ever make the feature request section searchable.

    With nearly 200 requests in the queue I’d like to make sure I’m not creating a duplicate entry – and can support or vote for someone else’s suggestion if they’ve added it already.

    in reply to: profanity filtering and reporting & listing updates #52472

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Let me know if you get anyone to do these. These are all important features and I’d be willing to split costs. They just need to be built in such a way that the changes don’t fork the version so that core updates aren’t an issue down the road. At the end of the day I’d even be happy to either contribute the code to the core or offer them as plugins for purchase if we have someone to manage ongoing dev and squash bugs.

    in reply to: Directories based on Categories or Custom Post Variables #52457

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks Paolo,

    Is there a specific hierarchy when combining them?





    in reply to: Conflict between CPT Add on and Yost Sitemaps #52311

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Found it – trailing space at end of geodir_cp_template_tags.php

    in reply to: Menu's – My Primary Post Type is Missing #52285

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: Events Settings Issues #52187

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    in reply to: Menu's – My Primary Post Type is Missing #52184

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    in reply to: Near Me Search – JS to disable search until… #51841

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Sweet – thanks man… 😉

    in reply to: Cannot clear location – even if deleted #51840

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298


    I say this with sincerity: Think like a user, not a developer…

    Leaving it alone should hold the value constant. Deleting it should clear it. By virtue of deleting it the visitor is instructing the system to clear the value.

    It’s pretty obvious.

    in reply to: PHP7/PHPNG #51482

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    I’ll do some testing.

    With RC2 scheduled to come out this week, you guys might consider trying it as well. Who knows, it could be an easy transition. Looking at the small number of errors being reported it may be shaping up rather quickly and the release is scheduled just 10 weeks from now.

    With its massive performance improvements I’m guessing that a lot of hosters (including myself) will want to utilize it as quickly as possible for competitive reasons: better performing applications where every MS counts and more potential apps per-box.

    I’ll let you know what I find.

    in reply to: Plugin Auto Updates Not Working #50427

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Paolo took care of many of them and I manually did the Social updater. 🙂 Thanks everyone.

    in reply to: Plugin Auto Updates Not Working #50191

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    That’s what it took running ColdFusion at its peak…. It’d get loaded down during peak seasons and we’d just throw more hardware at it. CF sucks BTW – but we go way back.

    Anyhow, can’t wait to have it fully converted and running on GD. 5,000 more entries to go in the main categories. 😉

    Updating Social Updater manually.

    in reply to: Plugin Auto Updates Not Working #50185

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Ha, half of them are for running your app – gotta combine those things… 😉

    So with WordFence active, I have zero issues updating any of the other 30 plugs, some which require auth as well. Even if I 777 the dir there are issues updating – for example, social import still won’t update, so I’m not sure if it’s permissions.

    Regarding the massive wave of plugins. In production the site lives in a load-balanced five-server environment. Each 2×6 core 2.66 XEONs and 32GB of RAM. And the database server? Forget about it… 😉 Of course, I’m not sure we’ll see our 7.5MM visitors ever again, but I can hope your app performs well in the SERPS.

    Where’s the beef?

    in reply to: Plugin Auto Updates Not Working #50140

    Lifetime Member
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