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  • in reply to: True "nearby" listings… #218994

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks Stiofan… I appreciate it. I do think it’ll be of value for those who chose to use it.

    Any ETA on this? Days, weeks, months? Just curious as it’s very important to me.

    Thanks again,

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: True "nearby" listings… #215437

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Certainly it’s more of a resource intensive query this way – but with db and page caching it’s doable.

    More importantly though, it will allow us to provide additional value to the end user – and the site owner due to the internal linking structure which will have an SEO impact.

    More internal linking let’s the SE’s better understand the relationships between pages – and more linking ability gives users the ability to traverse the site by clicking rather than searching or entering information which could increase engagement – and ultimately impact SEO as well.

    With all that said, leaving it up to the user to decide which option to use is appealing.

    I certainly have the horsepower and now that I’m down to 1000-2000 users per day instead of the 7000-12000 per day I had when I re-launched, or the 25,000-45,000 visitors per day that I had at the peak, I am overflowing with resources.

    I really hope you can make this happen.

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: True "nearby" listings… #214875

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    This gets all the listings and their details within a 10 mile radius of a given lat/lon.

    Change the 10 at the bottom and increase or decrease the distance.

    Try it yourself. Use this for the nearby locations rather than limiting it to just the city – which is too narrow.

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS v3yd_posts.*, v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.* , (3958.761 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((ABS(33.8352932) - ABS(v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_latitude)) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) +COS(ABS(33.8352932) * pi()/180) * COS( ABS(v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_latitude) * pi()/180) *POWER(SIN((-117.9145036 - v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_longitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) )))as distance
    FROM v3yd_posts
    INNER JOIN v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail
    ON (v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_id = v3yd_posts.ID)
    WHERE 1=1
    AND ( ( v3yd_posts.post_title LIKE "" )
    OR (v3yd_posts.ID IN(
    SELECT v3yd_term_relationships.object_id as post_id
    FROM v3yd_term_taxonomy, v3yd_terms, v3yd_term_relationships
    WHERE v3yd_term_taxonomy.term_id = v3yd_terms.term_id
    AND v3yd_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = v3yd_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
    AND v3yd_term_taxonomy.taxonomy in ('gd_place_tags','gd_placecategory') ) ) )
    AND v3yd_posts.post_type in ('gd_place')
    AND (v3yd_posts.post_status = 'publish')
    AND ( v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_latitude between 32.965727982609 and 34.704858417391 )
    AND ( v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.post_longitude between -118.96136324694 and -116.86764395306 )
    ORDER BY distance asc, v3yd_geodir_gd_place_detail.is_featured asc, v3yd_posts.post_date desc, v3yd_posts.post_title
    LIMIT 0, 10;
    in reply to: True "nearby" listings… #214872

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    It’s just the difference of a query.

    Right now you are selecting based on the listing’s city. Instead use a lat/lon search. It’s really not that much more work.

    Tell me where in the code it is and I’ll do it or have someone do it and give you guys the code.

    in reply to: True "nearby" listings… #214868

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Hi Paolo,

    I never understood the neighborhood thing.

    Let’s say we are here:

    Rather than just show Niagra Falls listings, in addition why not show Niagra Falls listings and those within a designated radius using a lat/lon search? There can be other listings which fall right outside a city that would be of interest and therefore would be valuable to the visitor.

    Let’s imagine that someone lands on the above Niagra Falls page from the SERP. They then only see listings in Niagra Falls – but not around Niagra Falls. Yelp uses near rather than in for a reason because it’s better for usability. So why not use the lat/lon rather than the city name for the search??

    Regarding the “nearby listings” – yes, I get that too – but again, why not use a lat/lon rather than just the city name? For instance, there is one skating rink in Irvine, but there are 13 others within a 20 mile radius. Wouldn’t it be valuable to the visitor to show them the other “nearby” listings that they might be interested in?

    It also helps google understand the interrelationships among the rinks and further builds the internal link network.

    Both of these items are important for SEO.

    PS. I want to make it easier for people to find things. That’s something we should all strive for.

    in reply to: How to make it stop setting home link #214859

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks on the GD > MultiLocation > Home page should go to, select: Site root – not sure when that changed.

    I’ll answer the other on my other post.

    in reply to: Adding a location – map not working #209992

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks- Not sure how or why the paid plugins were deactivated. They had been running fine for months on this site.

    in reply to: Adding a location – map not working #209743

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    in reply to: Possible to limit the height of auto-suggest? #199688

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks Paolo,

    There is a setting in >General >Search but it’s not respected by the auto-suggest.

    Also, I noticed that the auto-suggest is sorting based on ID and not title. Can you verify that this is how the query should be sorting. Order of entry isn’t really relevant.


    PS. It might be a nice feature to add (I know feature suggestion but I’m not even going to bother at this point because I don’t even see those things being utilized) – but in advanced search add a field to limit the results. Then just select top or limit or whatever. 😉

    in reply to: How do users edit previous reviews? #112739

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Per your request I added a feature request a couple weeks ago but I don’t see it to vote on it. Are you guys just going to add it to the core because it should already be in there? 😉

    in reply to: GD Booster JS not loading #112738

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Stiofan and I talked several weeks about modifying the booster plugin so that it broke up the long strings into smaller chunks.

    I believe he told me that this was going to be resolved but booster is breaking in Safari for me again and I’ve already got a 6500 character limit which is pretty insane.

    Best practice suggests keeping url length to under 2000.

    Any way to make this happen?

    in reply to: How do users edit previous reviews? #68295

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: How do users edit previous reviews? #68027

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    You know I wouldn’t ask for it if the big boys weren’t doing it. 😉

    I think it’s a must have – not even worthy of a feature request at this point.

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