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  • in reply to: GDBoost Breaks my Whoop site… #56377

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    in reply to: GDBoost Breaks my Whoop site… #56309

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    in reply to: Business Owner? / Claim listing link #55516

    Lifetime Member
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    It might also be of benefit to make this link more obvious. What about also putting a Claim Listing link in the Add Photo/Share/Bookmark bar at the top right?

    in reply to: Listing Page View Mode #55442

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Cool, I get it. Just wanted to make sure that others see the same thing. 😉

    in reply to: Listing Page View Mode #55422

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    in reply to: Listing Page View Mode #55276

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    Post count: 298

    I’m still seeing this issue.

    If you go to http://www.rinktime.com

    Do a search for Anaheim in the near search – select Anaheim, hit enter.

    You’ll see the results displayed in 2 column mode when the default set in design for search, listings and all others is set to list. See un/pw above.

    in reply to: Possible to re-order tabs in whoop? #55101

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    in reply to: Keeps showing the previous search results #55099

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Martin, try adding this to your custom_functions.php

    It’s a bit of a hack but it’ll help the system stop remembering the near location.

    Hope it helps.

    PS. I too hate how this part of the system works…

    if ((isset($_REQUEST['snear']) && $_REQUEST['snear']!='') ) {
    	function gd_no_locations(){
    	unset(	$_SESSION['gd_multi_location'], $_SESSION['gd_city'], $_SESSION['gd_region'], $_SESSION['gd_country'] );

    Want it to NEVER remember near?

    	function gd_no_locations(){
    	unset(	$_SESSION['gd_multi_location'], $_SESSION['gd_city'], $_SESSION['gd_region'], $_SESSION['gd_country'] );
    in reply to: Sidebar column widths – px or % #54889

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Go to the Buddakan listing on your Whoop demo in iPhone 6 mode with Horizontal Display.

    The search and near fields should probably be reduced to allow for them to be displayed and not stacked.

    The map should probably be full-width.

    The images are not displaying in the slider and the slider is overflowing causing left-right scrolling.

    There is a right border area which is wasted usable space.

    The surrounding content border should be reduced to 5px or 10px max to get more info on the screen.

    Look at the left sidebar – is it too compressed? Should it be wider or go full width?

    Now go to the “See all photo’s”

    Notice the massive amount of white space needed to see the entire photo.

    Notice the photo is not constrained within the boundaries of the content area and causes overflow.

    Notice the surrounding border of the content area which is wasted usable space.

    Notice the borders which should again probably be reduced to 5-10px all the way around – max.

    At minimum these tests and critiques need to be done for the Home/Listing/Search/Detail/etc. pages for iPhone 4,5,6,6s,iPad Mini3, iPad Air 2, 800×600, 1366×768 and 1920×1080 – for both left sidebar/right sidebar.

    Attached are my top 25 screen resolutions for the past month since launching WPGeoDirectory.

    Sadly over the same period, my old junky and clunky non-responsive site had a bounce rate of 56% vs. the current 68.17%. My average session duration has dropped by 25% from 1.30 to 1:12. ;(

    in reply to: Sidebar column widths – px or % #54881

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Yea, I’m justing using my own css and setting a min-width.

    Still plenty of need for a few more hooks if you are going to stop an add from displaying in the first position on the sidebar of a detail page, but you want it to appear between say the User Links and Ratings Info or Listing information on whoop.

    There needs to be a hook between each of the topic breaks so that it’s easier to include ads where they’d perform best.

    Putting them at the top in mobile is again Google policy, putting them at the bottom is bad for performance. Butt putting them in between or one in between and one at the bottom is the best option for mobile in the sidebar.

    Also, injecting ads into tabs could be a good thing too – if working with multiple ad networks – can’t us for Google but can for others where their policy allows for this.

    in reply to: Sidebar column widths – px or % #54870

    Lifetime Member
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    In some ways we need to consider a more robust strategy for responsive layouts for mobile and tablets – all while focusing on creating a system that allows for the maximization of revenue while still promoting a positive user experience.

    Regarding hiding ads, that’s probably the worse thing we could do because when hidden, the js call is still registering as a view which skews RPM/CPM/CPA stats for both the advertiser and the site owner. Google hates this.

    Google’s policy forbids the modification of how an ad is displayed. Therefore, if you are calling the ad and hiding it, you are in violation of their policy. The same is true if the ad is being partially displayed. Doing this could get a domain banned forever. They don’t seem to un-ban domains. So getting into trouble with them is like committing a mortal sin with God.

    I often use the mobble plugin to offer a slightly different experiences to mobile, tablet and desktop visitors – but I’m not yet totally familiar yet with all the available hooks to take full advantage of this with whoop. And there aren’t hooks in places where I’d like there to be.

    It’s a tough subject area because it’s still being ironed out by Google – but it’d be best if we were to come up with something a little better. >50% of my traffic is mobile – so I need to make money from these visits.

    in reply to: Tags – ability to move where they are displayed? #54741

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    You are awesome Paolo…

    Yea, hiding it with css… 🙁 Hacking it more or less to see how it impacts user behavior.

    I’ve upgraded to 1.0.1 so I’ve probably wiped out your edits. 😉

    As always, I appreciate the help… I’ll get it worked out and hopefully you’ll consider widgetizing it.

    in reply to: Tags – ability to move where they are displayed? #54582

    Lifetime Member
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    PS. In an ideal world I’d split them out into two functions.

    I’d leave the categories where they are and I’d probably move the tags below the map. Both might also be interesting as a widget option.

    in reply to: Tags – ability to move where they are displayed? #54581

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    in reply to: Strange issue? #54544

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Please delete this. I think I found my problem. Sorry for the goose chase. No, seriously. Delete it. 😉

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