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Okay. so when i have the categories and post types checked off, it hides the map. when categories alone is checked, it shows the map with no listings. when i have the post types alone, it shows the map but no listings.
@guust, I just checked off all of the categories and even still the map does not show.
This reply has been marked as private.I was playing around with this earlier, did u have any luck configuring it with a verify email and eliminating the auto login at the time of register? I couldn’t find the settings out of the box.
I’ve also heard good things about the WP-Members plug in but haven’t had the time to play with it much.
Okay, the permissions fixed the styling issue. I set it to 777
Only issue now is that the map isn’t displaying.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Whatever needs to be done, but I need it to be back looking like it was within the next couple hours… :-/
All changes were made in my child theme, and are still visible within the admin console. I can provide credentials if you want to take a look.
Ignore this post, much more went wrong and I detailed it here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/core-upgrade-screwed-everything-up/
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.I’d probably just want to hide the buttons; I’m afraid by removing the buttons completely it might affect some other parts of the code.
I just want anyone adding a listing to not be able to automatically have the listing claimed, like how it is set up by default.
Like you said, having anyone able to bypass controls to the site (especially with a possibly fake account) is not desirable, and may lead to losing credibility on my site with the community.
Yeah, my idea was to set it default to ‘no’ and have it hidden or nonexistent. I still want the claim functionality to work though, but I don’t want anyone to claim a listing without selecting the ‘Business Owner?’ link on the side of a listing.
Just added this, it didnt error out but the radials are still there. here’s my functions.php:
<?php /*############################################# HERE YOU CAN ADD YOUR OWN FUNCTIONS OR REPLACE FUNCTONS IN THE PARENT THEME #############################################*/ // Here we defind the textdomain for the child theme, if changing you should also replace it in the function below. if (!defined('GDF_CHILD')) define('GDF_CHILD', 'gdf_child'); add_action('after_setup_theme', 'gdfc_theme_setup'); function gdfc_theme_setup(){ // load_child_theme_textdomain( GDF_CHILD, get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' ); // uncomment this if you plan to use translation } //Set default business owner to "No" on add listing form remove_action('geodir_before_main_form_fields' , 'geodir_add_claim_fields_before_main_form', 1); add_action('geodir_before_main_form_fields' , 'geodir_add_claim_fields_before_main_form_checked', 1); function geodir_add_claim_fields_before_main_form_checked(){ global $post; $is_claimed = isset($post->claimed) ? $post->claimed : ''; ?> <div class="required_field geodir_form_row clearfix"> <label><?php echo CLAIM_BUSINESS_OWNER_ASSOCIATE;?><span>*</span> </label> <input class="gd-radio" <?php if($is_claimed == '1'){echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> type="radio" name="claimed" value="1" field_type="radio"> <?php echo CLAIM_YES_TEXT;?> <input class="gd-radio" <?php if($is_claimed == '0' || $is_claimed == ''){echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> type="radio" name="claimed" value="0" field_type="radio"> <?php echo CLAIM_NO_TEXT;?> <span class="geodir_message_error"><?php echo CLAIM_DECLARE_OWNER_ASSOCIATE;?></span> </div><?php } ?>