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Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 163 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 163 total)
This is very odd. I edited it with a text editor and uploaded the functions.php to the proper directory. I will do all of my function changes in WordPress directly. Thanks
I am talking about when you upload a picture in a review, as you can see in the pic. The pictures uploaded do not display with the review.
What content should i put in the new .mo file?
Great, thanks. What about the pictures issue? No replies have visible uploaded pics.
I added the code. It is still not working if you browse to my site. Please see attachment.
Here are some more screenshots
I see, thanks. Where can I enable setting the status of all new listings to be drafts?
Also, where can I detach a location from a verified user account? Let’s say someone adds a listing that i want to be owned by someone else. How can I change that?
I tried this and just get an error message on that line. The site doesn’t load. Is the syntax for this correct?
I’m putting this between the PHP tags also, correct?
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