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  • in reply to: No Records found after Geolocation #38939

    Expired Member
    Post count: 2

    I desperately need a single-click option for users to link back to “everywhere” without having to drill down into the Location dropdown and somehow magically know to search for “everywhere”. A simple URL that I can use as a Custom Link in the menu would suffice. Has anyone found a way to do this? I’ve searched ever term I can think of but have come up short on answers here.

    in reply to: How to duplicate "More Info" tab function on other tabs #36603

    Expired Member
    Post count: 2

    Great, guys. Thanks for the help. Got the fieldsets on tabs figured out. Now my question…when I disable the “Profile” tab, none of the tabs default as active when the Detail page loads. How can I force one of them to be open? In this case I want the “More Info” tab to be active. It is currently first among the tabs, and I have renamed it to “Highlights”. Screenshot attached again for reference.

    Searched the forums for this one as well and didn’t find others. Again, I may be using lame search terms. Let me know if I should be starting a new thread for this.

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