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No Stiofan it all looks good. I will just play with the size until I am happy with it.
Have a good one!
It uses the Woo Commerce and Dokan plugins.
That worked perfectly!
Thanks Kor Chung!If you check out the Facebook group there are some interesting solutions discussed using Woo Commerce and their booking extension. I don’t have the link readily available but I can get it for you if you like.
Looking forward to it David!
I will give this a shot. Thanks Giri!
I would be very interested in this code as well!
What is the status of the invoicing plugin? Is it almost ready to be released?
Thanks Guust. That’s exactly what I am looking into.
I also noticed that if you use the same Tag name in different CPT types the it adds a ‘-1’ to the slug. Is it possible to that when you click on ‘Tag1’ that it returns all posts for the slugs Tag1 and Tag1-1
I am also wondering about this issue as I am using the same tags across to CPTs (places and events).
That’s exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!
I would recommend you join this FB group:
We talk about all this kind of stuff and more on it. A great learning tool.
December 21, 2016 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Can "Are You Interested" feature in Whoop be made to work with GDF? #328491No, just knowing it’s possible is enough for me for now. I will post the job or use somebody locally when I am ready for it because it is a cool function to have.
Thanks Paolo!
Hi Kor,
My apologies for not being clear.
The 1.6.11 update changelog says that Share This was removed from core because of issues with their servers. What is recommended that we use to reintegrate a social sharing function on the details page? I have not upgraded because of this.