Forum Replies Created
Kor, you should add the option to hide the street address much like you can hide the city, region, etc.
In addition to WP Super Cache?
Following this. Never heard of this plugin before.
This to me was the biggest thing that confused me initially. Tweaking the homepage is not as intuitive as V1 but admittedly more powerful in the end.
Got it!
Perfect! You rock Alex, thank you!
Ok I am starting to understand now. It is much more powerful and flexible than V1 but it definitely has a learning curve as I am so used to dealing with widgets in the home page section rather than shortcodes.
Thanks so much for the help!
Ok this worked great but I would also like to remove the “No Comments” tag on the page as well. I have deactivated comments for my CPTs but that still shows up on the homepage.
[gd_listings title=”Latest Teams” post_type=”gd_team” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onefourth” post_limit=”5″ add_location_filter=”1″ category=”0″]
[gd_listings title=”Latest Series” post_type=”gd_series” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onefourth” post_limit=”5″ add_location_filter=”1″ category=”0″]Is there an additional flag I can use to indicate “Do Not Show Number of Comments” or something similar?
Never mind….
Where am I supposed to add this?
Ok. I am also using this code which seems to help:
.geodir-image-container ul.geodir-images li img {
object-fit: contain!important;
}Ugh. Now you know why I am not a coder! lol
The other thing that is missing is the option to “show all” at the end of the line of listings.
You can see it in my current page:
https://www.motorsportprospects.com/I cannot since it is on the development server but this is the current code:
[gd_listings title=”Latest Teams” post_type=”gd_team” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onefourth” post_limit=”5″ add_location_filter=”1″ category=”0″]
[gd_listings title=”Latest Series” post_type=”gd_series” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onefourth” post_limit=”5″ add_location_filter=”1″ category=”0″]