Jeffrey Williams

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  • in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #325502

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72


    Almost worked, but still displays uneven. Thanks for trying. I really appreciate it! 🙂

    Like to make a suggestion that future GD updates includes a setting where Admin can force all carousel images to display the same predefined size. I’ve used carousels like that in that past, so I know it’s possible. 🙂

    Thanks for all the great work!


    in reply to: Mobile Details Page Display #325501

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    I know I’m overlooking it, but I don’t see how to put my custom fields inside a tab, so that it displays in the main content. There a tutorial for this?


    in reply to: Mobile Details Page Display #325500

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Okay, I’ll give that a try. Thanks!

    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #325498

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    Circling back to this.

    Yes, I agree that using images all with the same ratio would be better, but getting every single user to post an ad that way, is not realistic. People just want to upload their photo and expect to work. We both know that.

    So, it’s incumbent for the platform to be user friendly, otherwise people simply won’t use it, and we’re all wasting our time.

    I’ll try the code.

    Cheers my friend!

    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #323406

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    Circling back to this.

    I took the time to upgrade my account with my host. Move it from a shared server to a Cloud Server.

    The good news is that it solved many issues, including saving your code so the carousel frame displays correctly.

    However, the bad news is it doesn’t work on mobile. If you look at the carousel on desktop, it works perfect, but take a look at it on mobile.

    Is there a way to fix it?


    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #320211

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Turn OFF Notifications? #320187

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @stiofan

    #1 Do I edit the package descriptions in the “Title to be display while add listing” box (see attached snapshot)

    #2 Where do I find the core string, and how would I do that? I do not have experience with it.

    #3 I will try that

    I certainly agree that not showing sub-cat’s is not an option. Never wanted to do that.

    Thanks for the help!


    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #320183

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    Upon further testing, the code is not working. In order to test it, I changed the max-height to 50px, so it would be obvious that it either worked, or not.

    There was no change (see attached snapshot)

    Waiting for your reply.

    Thanks for all your help.


    in reply to: Suggested Future Feature #319726

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @kor

    Thanks for the suggestion! Looks great except I need it to display as a carousel (like the GD Listing Slider widget). Is there a way to do that?

    Or you could add the same filtering capabilities to the GD Listing Slider widget.


    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #319489

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Now that I look at it, it appears that some of the pics in the dummy data have thumbnails smaller that 150px. So while your code limits how big the pics are, if some thumbnails are smaller that 150px, the display still looks uneven. Is there a way to force all thumbnails to be minimum and maximum of 150px?


    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #319487

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Nope, looks the same as the last snap shot. Cleared my cache to make sure.

    in reply to: Listing Carousel Widget Frame #319472

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    Thanks for the code! However, instead of sizing the GD Listing Carousel, it adjusted the Photo Slider on the Details page of the listing.

    How should I tweak the code so it applies to the right element?

    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Turn OFF Notifications? #319370

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    In case you have trouble with the link for the video in my last reply, here it is again:

    in reply to: Turn OFF Notifications? #319366

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Hi @paolo

    I’m just trying to help with suggestions to improve GD. You see, it doesn’t matter what logic you throw at it (i.e. “because there is an error”). In coding terms, you and I know that, but that’s not what counts. What matters is the user experience.

    Take me for example. I own GD and have been learning to launch it on my site. Even with that knowledge I still didn’t know the purpose of the message was to encourage me to upgrade. I just thought it was preventing me from completing the process. The result is, the user gets confused and simply backs out of the listing process. That’s the last thing you want.

    There’s a link to a video I created at the bottom of this message. Watch it and you see that as soon as I select the APPROPRIATE category for my listing (i.e. a dirt bike, listed under motorcycles), in mid-selection I instantly get an error that says “You have reached the category limit of 1 category.” That made me feel like I did something wrong, when I was logically doing exactly what I was supposed to do in order to categorize my listing correctly. That is not intuitive or logical. If that’s my user experience, I know others will likely have the same experience. A confusing experience is the last thing you want for your users.

    I suggest the following:

    1. Create IF/THEN logic in the javascript. It might say… IF if the category is a child category of a parent category, THEN it is considered one category.

    Regarding the upsell message. There has to be a better way to provide an option to upgrade, or at least educate the user on the package he/she is purchasing. I suggest it be done in the package descriptions when the user is making a selection. That is the time to upsell the user. Trying to upsell someone in the middle of processing a listing is just plain disruptive and annoying. People hate that. But if you insist on including the pop-up upsell message, then let the webmaster of the website turn it ON or OFF depending on his/her preference.

    A listing process should be clean, simple, fast, and intuitive. You want people to enjoy using it, and think “Wow, that was easy. I think I’ll list another item.” Hitting someone with error messages in the middle of the process is not an enjoyable experience. There’s too many options on the internet, and they will just go somewhere else.

    I love GD the more and more I use it. I’m on your side. I’m hoping to help you make it better.

    Here’s the video I mentioned:

    Thanks for the help.


    in reply to: Turn OFF Notifications? #319063

    Jeffrey Williams
    Post count: 72

    Okay, nice thought, but the way it’s being done right now makes the user think there’s an error.

    If it’s to promote a better package, the delivery needs to be different.

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