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Hi Matthijs,
We have looked to find out the problem with the new events on your site. The problem is fixed now so the new events are appears on the maps and listing pages.
Hi Lana,
I checked on your site and seems you want to display single recurring event on events listing page.
The code listed here will display single recurring event on WIDGETS.
But to display SINGLE RECURRING EVENT on EVENTS LISTING PAGE you need to use following code snippet. Just following code in your theme functions.php.// DISPLAY SINGLE RECURRING EVENT on EVENTS LISTING PAGE function geodirectory_single_event_on_events_page( $groupby, $wp ) { global $wpdb, $geodir_post_type; if ( $geodir_post_type == 'gd_event' && is_main_query() && geodir_is_page( 'listing' ) && !empty( $wp->query['gd_is_geodir_page'] ) && !empty( $wp->query['post_type'] ) && $wp->query['post_type'] == 'gd_event' ) { $groupby = " $wpdb->posts.ID"; } return $groupby; } add_filter( 'posts_groupby', 'geodirectory_single_event_on_events_page', 100, 2 );
Let us know if you have any query.
KiranHi Sumi,
You can hide fields displaying on lisitng from ADMIN -> Geodirectory -> CPT Settings -> Custom Fields -> “Show On Listing Page?” => No
This setting hide field from all listing pages.Also checked you have lot of css used to hide some fields from listing.
You can use following style to look both widgets same.#gd-sidebar-wrapper .geodir-category-listing .geodir-entry-content, #gd-sidebar-wrapper .geodir-category-listing footer.geodir-entry-meta, #gd-sidebar-wrapper .geodir-category-listing .geodir-content > * { display: none; } #gd-sidebar-wrapper .geodir-category-listing .geodir-content .geodir-entry-header { display: block; } #gd-sidebar-wrapper .geodir_event_listing .geodir-category-listing { height: 125px; }
Let us know.
The function will work for all recurring events.
If you want to turn back original events displaying & want to remove displaying single event instead of all recurring events then you can do it by two ways.Either by using PHP comment for the code from line no. 23 – 33
By removing code from line no. 23 – 33The code will be found in the file wp-content/themes/GDF_child/functions.php
Thanks for letting us know.
Hi Sumi,
The date problem was already fixed and now the patch of fix updated on your site. It is related to event date format settings.
Let us know.
I have added function in file wp-content/themes/GDF_child/functions.php.
Now seems it working fine, the recurring event “Burning Man” displayed as a single in home page “Upcoming Events” widget.Let us know.
ThanksHello Simon,
In backend under Geodirectory -> Excursion Settings -> Custom Fields
After re-save “Excursion Date” field and clearing cache, now the date displaying correctly.Let us know.
ThanksHi William,
Let us know, which specific words you talking about to change.
Hi there,
I checked the snippet code provided by Kor Chung and it working fine.
Please provide us site FTP access so we can help you to put that code at right place.Thanks
Hello fws2016,
We have fixed problem that recurring event fields lost the field values after Go Back and Edit event. The fix was also updated on your site.
Let us know.
Normally the message “### The paid amount does not match the price package selected ###” displayed when the paid amount doesn’t matching to the original invoice amount.
We have did some test on your site (with sandbox paypal) to find out problem problem, but for both tests it displays correct invoices, without FRAUD DETECTED … warning.
Can you tell us how to recreate the problem? Also please provide FTP details in private reply to debug more and findout if anything conflicts there.Let us know
ThanksHi Craig,
We have checked and found that categories page doesn’t showing correct listings for neighborhood when default country setting enabled and hide from urls. We have fixed neighborhood problem. Now categories page showing correct listings for neighborhood also.
Please check and let us know.
KiranHi Craig,
The task added in our to-do list for the import/export meta & page descriptions and it will be included in next release.
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