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at the moment as far as i know its compatibility only. still waiting for him to send me the new version to test it.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.HI
Added the lines but the margin is still there (gap between the menu and content)but the line is gone and used the same for the footer too 🙂
VC has a lot to offer in content showcase. i mean there are dozens of options available without the coding part. I would be happy if i had the same knowledge as you do and code down my own child theme without VC but i went for other studies (photography,marketing and IT) 🙂
This reply has been marked as private.i would recommend using gtmetrix on all the demo sites and your own with GDF. i use visual composer at the moment with GDF and it is still below 800kb for the front page while avada,x were well above in size and loading time. it is absolutely fine for low traffic but when you have active visitors on the site with a premium shared host still it will take its toll.
i would honestly love to see a child theme that has a really nice header and all the compatibility with bbpress,buddypress,woocommerce AND visual composer.
with this we could build any kind of look for the site with keeping users online too and even sell some stuff 😉
ps.:i tried avada,x,kleo,GDF,Modern childtheme and now GoodNews too(still in progress to make it compatible) right now im on modern with some css mods thanks to the support from GD 😉 my whole homepage is built in VC using the widgetised sidebar and other elements. just bought another extension where the programer will have a look to add the GD shortcodes too to have them available as VC element 😀
…..any way to get rid of this huge gap between the menu and the content ? or make it very small…
not sure if its possible 🙂
Thank you
Might be an odd request but would it be possible for you guys to create a “snippets” blog post for all the non coders like me and some others on this forum about CSS tricks to modify the look and feel of GDF ?
this is my collection working on the website right now :
.gd-cptcat-li h3 {
font-size: 14px;
}.site-logo img {max-width: 100%;}
.gd-cptcat-title {display: none;}
@media only screen and (max-width: 1920px){
.map-category-listing-main {
display: none;
}#geodir_post_region_row, #geodir_post_city_row {
display: none;
}.mm-panel .geodir_advance_search_widget {
display: none;
}.page-title {display:none}`
Im sure there are a lot more that others asked and would be a cool sticky topic to get all these already requested ones in one post with a line of comment of what it does for others seeking extra options.
GDF + modern + visual composer what i use to make the site look “different” and with your support it does feel a lot else then what it is from scratch.
Thanks 🙂
tested and working ! thanks again 🙂
custom post type. did you test all the features GD is coming with ? worth to have a go and try out every button with all the plugins too ! it is simply the best i can see on the market compared to the big theme devs on themeforest and the rest. (trust me i bought 5 already and had the chance to test mostly every other option)
since im not a coder i test everything i can. need to mention that the goodnews theme has its own visual composer blocks and the listing block works with our CPT too 🙂
have a look :
there are styling issues for now but probably there will be a demo or something when finished.
also popular post view widget doesnt show up properly for some reason. everything else works.
Got a word from the programmer and he is in the progress to make them compatible 🙂
maybe a couple of days…
this is a separate theme like avada and the rest so it has nothing to do with GDF. would be nice if GDF has a child theme with similar styling do. 🙂
nothing yet…
have a look on the change log when you got a minute in a few days…thats all i can see too. It is Christmas so not suprised if there wont be an update in these day 🙂