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  • in reply to: Maps CPT's do not display after upgrade #543541

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    Post count: 1019

    Bingo! The mistake I was making was putting the quotation marks around the number 4

    I replaced zoom=”4″ with zoom=4 and presto! I got the desired results.

    But, just testing the “trial and error” method.. .fyi.. when I went to zoom=5 no longer would any cluster icons display and no listing icons. Just curious why zoom-5 did that.

    I can live with zoom=4

    I thank you for your support Guust.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Maps CPT's do not display after upgrade #543539

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    Post count: 1019

    I am not following.

    First, on the home page, “after” I click on the “cluster icon”… how am I to determine what the zoom level is?

    Next, I added in the zoom=”4 ” and do not see any difference when reloading the page? This is on the homepage.

    best regards,


    in reply to: Maps CPT's do not display after upgrade #543537

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    Post count: 1019

    Hello Guust. Thank you for the information.

    The page now loads in good time.

    Marker Cluster plugin is install.

    Now, only one marker is displayed when the page loads.

    Next, I click on the Marker Cluster and it them produces a display of more marker clusters. This is great!

    Here is the question. Is there a way to set the “default” display so that is display as if though I already clicked on the first Marker Cluster?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Maps CPT's do not display after upgrade #543493

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    Post count: 1019

    Good morning Guust. How are you?

    Here is what I have changed it to. Is this correct?

    “[gd_map title=”United States Fire Departments” width=”100%” height=”525px” maptype=”directory” zoom=”10″ map_type=”auto” post_settings=”1″ post_type_filter=1″]”


    It is still taking a great deal of time to resolve. There must be a fix. I have been wrestling with this for a great deal of time.

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    Post count: 1019

    Hello Rollin. I am sorry I have not had time the check this out as I am migrating the agency to a new management system over the next couple of weeks.

    If I am understanding you correctly, “when I set up Custom Post Types” I must select the types of CTP I want to link to the listings?

    I am so confused!

    It used to be that if I posted an “Event” I could select the Business and “connect the event” to the listing. Why did you change this?

    Now, if I want to post an event to a particular business listing I do that how?

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    Yes, I will get you admin credentials momentairly. is the domain or subdomain.

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    Post count: 1019

    Hello all. I am just back around to searching for the answer to my question.

    Let me try the question again. In the past, using Version 1, I could create a Custom Post type and life was good.

    Then, if the listing, the CPT was holding an event. IN fact they had 50 events slated for their business listing, they could begin to post an “Event” and the event “form” would have a question? Business? They could type in their name, and if they had a listing it would appear.

    “Click” now the event is visible under the “tab” of their listing.

    Thus, the Business listing could, hand out flyers on how patrons could find “their” listing easily by going to the business listing / url and clicking on the Event tab (or whatever I label the tab)

    Did I get a direct answer on this? If yes, then I apologize for the repost but I do not see the response in this thread!

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: Open Listing in new "window or tab" how to… #523410

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    Post count: 1019

    Good morning Guust.

    It may be that some html open in a new browser can be added to the Site Origin page builder to have it happen. I do not know… but.

    Here is the page:

    On the sidebar right, either of the two GD CPT’s would be what I want to have open in a new window. target_blank correct?

    Thank you Guust.

    Have a good day.


    S Valencia

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    Post count: 1019

    It is still not making sense to me. I have a Band with a CTP Bands. The Band is playing and has 20 gigs this year. They want to tell people about the event site and their “listing” under Bands.

    They have a banner with their band name which is similar to the Band listing. It “used to be that this Band, could just go to Add Event, select their Band listing and post “their event”

    Has this changed?

    Can we keep this in it’s context?

    Next, I as admin, went to test “Add Event” and wanted to attached the Event to Beau Rumpus Band. THERE WAS NO PLACE TO ATTACHED THE EVENT!

    in reply to: How to get cpt's events on the setting tab #523337

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    Post count: 1019

    Ok, I think I am getting a handle on events? Maybe? So, do I need to create a gd event band add event form, gd, add event form restaurant and so forth for each type of event add on?

    nope.. not getting it…

    in reply to: How to get cpt's events on the setting tab #523336

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    Post count: 1019

    What setting am I missing then Alex. The “add Event form” does not show/display “find listing” as it did before. How do I get the event form “link business field” to diplay please?
    And thank you for your reply.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: How to get cpt's events on the setting tab #523310

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    Post count: 1019

    Sorry for the delay. Holidays and other pressing matters.
    When I purchased the plugin, one of the most exciting features and “sales” points to business owners is the “their” businesses ability to let others know where they can find “all of their” events in one convenient location. Under the “event tab” of “their” business listing. (this being said, I am not just referring to the places slug).

    I need to know if this has changed please (yes or no?)

    The reason I am asking this is because I no longer see, “when adding and event” the link to business field.

    I need to know so that I am not misleading my clients. I am hoping this feature did not go away as it was the most powerful feature and sales point of the directory service.

    In my latest request for a quote the response did not seem to be direct as to yes it still works like that or no it no longer works like that.

    Instead, for me, what happened is the CPT listing has “everyones” event connnected to it. Why then would the business owner who subscribes pay to have others events listing on their business?

    Thank you for your assistance. I am hoping this feature has not changed. It was a major “feature” that I need and without it… Well let say I would be deeply disappointed.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: How to get cpt's events on the setting tab #523177

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    Post count: 1019

    I will have to get back to this tomorrow. I it is 3:30 am here and I have run out of time.

    I will get these to you tomorrow.



    Thank you for your time.

    in reply to: How to get cpt's events on the setting tab #523173

    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    It used to be in version prior to v2, when adding an event there was a “link to listing” text area that searched for existing CPT listings.

    I no longer see that feature when adding events. What happened to it? Or, did I not set some “new” setting in V2?

    When you are using the term “place” to you meant the actual post type or are you using that to mean any of the CPT types and “places”?

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