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Hy Guust.
Worked fine.
Hello Paolo.
In fact I have the WPML plug in installed, but I´d like to translate some parts via .po file before activate it.
Before I had this problem of words being translated but not updating in the front end, and Stiofan could over come, but he didn´t tell me where to change, that´s why I´m here again for the same issue.
1) The WPML plug in is the only way to separate those words?
2) I did as you said and checked the Event add on, and I confirmed that it´s translated but don´t update in the front end. Please, see the pict attached.
3) I checked the price add on, even did make a search but didn´t come up with any result.
Hello Dear Stiofan.
I hope you´re fine.
I had a problem with my website and I had to reset it and start from scratch. There´re three points I can´t overcome, in terms of translation. The last time you solved it, I couldn´t see where the problem was.
1 – On the menu “Add Listing” I can´t translate the submenu from “Add Local” and “Add Event” to “Adicionar Local” and “Adicionar Evento”
2 – On the Google Map I have “Locals” and “Event”. I translated the first but I can´t do with the second one “Eventos”;
3 – I can´t find “My invoice History” to translate to “Meu Histórico de Faturas”
Please, see the pict attached.
Hy Stiofan.
Thanks a lot.
Have a nice day. It´s good to count on your excellent support.
Keep this way!
Hello Paolo.
My issue is solved. In fact it was the Profile ID nº that was incorrect.
Sorry, my bad.
Impossible. I´ve just turned on the GD Booster and the social icons disappear automatically.
Please Check!
The pict.s 2/2
The pict.s 1/2
Twitter, FaceBook and Google+.
Please see the pict. attached. There you can see the result with the GD Booster on and off.
This reply has been marked as private.Hello Paolo.
I did all those two steps but didn´t work.
The code is authorized by Google and all.Thanks.
Hello Paolo.
Seems to working well now.
I did, but didn´t work.
Please see the file attached.