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Just checking in to see if this has been looked at yet. 🙂
MarkThis reply has been marked as private.Thanks Stiofan.
I think that might be a Google DFP tag. I stopped using DFP a while ago, so losing that code is fine (I must’ve missed that when I changed all ad codes). I’ll check it with a normal Adsense code tomorrow – shold all be okay, but I’ll let you know if there are still issues.
MarkHi Alex,
I don’t use any other cache plugins. I did use another one a couple of years ago (W3 cache, I think) but that was removed a long time ago and replaced with GD Booster when I moved from Geotheme to Geodirectory.
I’ve had a look at the known issue docs and the only one I do have is Jetpack. I don’t use the Jetpack Comments, which was mentioned as a possible conflict, but I do use Widget Visibility. However, Widget visibility wouldn’t be the issue as I have this on my dev site and that all works fine.
I have already shared the admin login (let me know if you need anything else to access.)
MarkThis reply has been marked as private.Hi Guust,
That’s no good. I want to keep the URL of the listings as they are (i.e. with the location included), and simply amend the category links sown on the sidebar so that they do not include the region/town of the listing being viewed. I know there’s not a tickbox on the Geodirectory plugin for I would’ve thought there’s a straight-forward way of overcoming this issue?
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Kiran,
That’s great – I’ve now got it working how I want it.
MarkHi Paolo and Kiran,
As I don’t quite understand how the hook approach would work I opted for Paolo’s approach instead.
However, I found that if I add a default description (e.g. for Category) in to the geodirectory language file this doesn’t work (whether I leave the description blank on the custom field or not.)
Taking Category as an example, there seem to be a couple of possible places to update the description:-
line 4943 (to replace “SELECT listing category FROM here. SELECT at least one CATEGORY”), or
line 7343(t replace “Select listing category from here. Select at least one category”)As mentioned above, neither worked. Any thoughts as to why the default description doesn’t show?
Not: I did try the approach of changing the field title instead, however, found out that changing this for category and address had the negative effect of the font awesome icon also appearing on listing details (because the same field names are used there.)
Ok, thanks Paolo.
I look forward to receiving their advices.
Hi Paolo,
The intention is to have a help icon (using font-awesome) on certain fields that will link through to relevant help info (on a user guide page.) So, for example, I would have this on categories, address, images etc.
I felt it was best to place this after the note below certain fields. It is possible to achieve when the field note is in the functions.php file (I have a note for Social Import) or if the note is in a language file. However, a few field notes are in the custom field settings. It was the latter I was trying to address. I need the link to be different for each note as I want it to link to different information on my user guide.
I’ve mocked up an example of what I want it to look like.
Hope this makes sense.
I’ve given it a go but unfortunately I don’t think it’ll work for me.
I tried a few variations, including :-
.geodir_placecategory_row :before { content: "\f05a"; font: normal normal normal 15px/1 FontAwesome; }
This did nothing.
.geodir_message_note:before { content: "\f05a"; font: normal normal normal 15px/1 FontAwesome; }
This does add the fontawesome icon, however, it shows on all field notes, but I only want it to appear on the ones I specify.
The other issue is I can’t see how we would be able to add a hyperlink, which is essential as I want to link through to the relevant section on a help/user’s guide.
Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
I have added it as a feature request. I should’ve requested it weeks ago as my efforts to use filters to achieve this have not worked.
Here’s hoping this essential feature is taken on board soon. 🙂 🙂 🙂
After leaving this for a few weeks I’m taking a fresh look to see if I can figure it out and could do with some guidance.
One thing that would really help would be advice on the approach to take. So, firstly I’ll just what I want to achieve: I’d like to have different expiration notifications for some of my packages because the message at expiry will differ based on customer’s package.
So, I know I need to use the filter “geodir_payment_clientEmail_message” and will need to check the $message_type==’expiration’, however, it would be good to know if I should be looking at doing this via a shortcode (where if the $package_id = ‘x’ then insert “text-x” in place of #shortcode in the message, and $package_id = ‘y’ then insert “text-y” etc) or would it be better to create a function to replace a shortcode in the expiration notification (where if the $package_id = ‘x’ then insert a text string the #shortcode is in the message)?
Hope this makes sense. I’ll probably be back with more questions but this hopefully will re-point me in the right direction.
Thanks Stiofan.
That seems to work ok now.
Presumably there’ll be a release soon with this fix in? In the meantime to put this fix on my live site do I need to just copy the social importer plugin files from my dev site or is there a bit more than that?
Mark -