Martin Omaga
Forum Replies Created
Ok, I found it. I need to re-save all the options saved 😉
I just updated Whoop via FTP and the pictures are clickable 😉
But something strange happened: in whoop admin area, I still have my customization (header, colors, and so on), but in the frontend the colors are now the Whoop red default…
and if I change something in Whoop admin area, nothing changes in the webesite.
Any clue? Is it a bug?
Are you talking about automatic update of Whoop? If so, how can I make it? (I cant find the option)
Alright, right after updating, I will let you know 😉
By the way, if I update, I will loose the configuration in the admin whoop panel?
By the way, it wasnt our intention to disrespect the support policies, so our apologies. We are members since the earlier days of Geotheme and the support is being awesome. We will keep that in mind (again, like I said, for us is enough to know which file we should do the costumization).
Alright 😉
It wasnt my intention to ask you exactly to customize. Maybe I wasnt so clear…
We want to know where is the file (in which folder and the filename) to make the customization, since its somehow confusing to find it.
And 90% of posts asking customization its not so true, but I dont want to feed that kind of discussion. Again, maybe I wasnt so clear, but when we ask it, is mostly to know exactly where is the file to make the customization (because sometimes is kind of confusing).
So, if you could tell which is the file that we can make the changes, for us is perfectly enough.
Hm, but we have added “frontend description” in the backend… so it seems its not working, because like you see on the picture, nothing appears…
Hm, I just updated the Geodirectory, and know is showing in the Listing Page 😉
But, even so, I continue not to have checkbox field name in the form (I send attached a picture). How can we have it?
Sounds a nice solution.
How can we enter default text in the description?
Alright. And about changing in Appearence >> Editor? Is it fine?
And regarding the theme Whoop? About updating Whoop, can I change their style.css? Or any update will erase the changes?
But are yous ure that checking a checkbox, it would appear in the listing page?
Because in our case, it appears only in Preview, but not after publishing it.
About credentials, sorry but we can´t since our website is under development.
So, the Checkbox Custom Field is the only one (from all the Custom Field), that:
1- Dont have Option Value field
2- Dont are displayed in the website (only when there is the Preview Listing).Any clue?
Im sending a screenshot with the checkbox in the Listing Form page.
Note: all the options are enable. But there isnt a Option Value to insert in the backend, so we cant even insert more check values.
By the way, but most strange thing is that it appears in the Preview Add, but after Publishing, it disappears 🙁
Are the corefrontend.css and style.css changed and updated?
Because I made some changes in the css files and I dont want to lose them…