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  • Tom
    Post count: 123

    OK, I found a way using WP-login instead. Thanks 🙂

    Post count: 123


    All right, some more coffee #000…

    Post count: 123

    Hi Guust,
    perfect, thanks a lot for the clarification … than I can proceed now and move all the listings (… instead of going to sleep although it’s close to midnight. Hmm … ;-))


    in reply to: What is breaking the redirect to the login form??? #52815

    Post count: 123

    Hi Paolo,
    yes, thank you very much.
    For now I found a workaround by setting up the plugin in a different way. (Using filters instead of post type settings, in case someone with the same problems reads this.)
    That works.

    Thanks you very much & kind regards,

    in reply to: Where is "Send email enquiry" button gone? #52752

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    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52743

    Post count: 123

    Good Morning Stiofan,

    I think I got it.

    This morning, I thought I deactivate all GD plugins, and activate them again in the right order. Simply because there was so much back & forth, I thought it would be good to make a little new start.

    First I was irritated because I had to enter lots of settings again. All the notifications and more were gone. On the other hand, this just shows that something was wrong somewhere.

    Since I had the old settings in the staging area, I could copy & paste them from there. So it wasn’t too much of a hassle.

    Now, everything seems to run smoothly! I will test during the day, and check if really everything runs fine & stable, but currently at looks like I finally have everything up & running.

    Thank you so much for your ongoing fast & profound support!!! 🙂

    Please mark this thread as resolved for now.

    Have a nice day,

    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52726

    Post count: 123

    Hi Stiofan,

    OK, I deleted one of the conflicting plugins, and cleaned up a lot of the “Plugin Organizer” settings.
    A lot of things work now, but I do habe a problem with viewing previews.

    When I create a listing and it’s a draft, as admin I should be able to view the preview in the backend. But I get a 404.

    Also what about the preview link that is mailed to the listing creator? If he clicks the link, he get’s a 404, too. Even when he is logged in.

    The preview at the end of the listing creation process works, and the creator of the listing can also edit it. It’s just the “previews”.

    I went to the permalinks and saved them again, but that did not change anything. Do you have an idea what this could be?

    Please feel free to use the credentials above to check.

    Thanks a lot,

    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52715

    Post count: 123

    OK, thanks, I will.

    Yes, I hope I find the solution.WOuld be so cool – a site with lots of functionality, but still really fast. There must be a way.

    Well, who needs sleep … 🙂


    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52712

    Post count: 123

    Hi Stiofan,

    thank you for your very quick reply.
    OK, so GD is actually not loading. That is a good hint. Than it has probably something to do with the “Plugin Organizer” Plugin that has already caused some problems with redirects. I was able to find a workaround there, but I guess I have to not workaround but solve the problems. I already tried to cantact the plugin author, but he is unfortunately not as responsive as you guys are (… which is really cool, by the way :-))

    I guess that is where the problem comes from. Maybe some 4.3 incompatibility or so … I will do a clean install of that plugin, and reset everything. That will take some time, let’s see if that helps.

    Thank you so far, I will report once I was successfull or if questions come up.

    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52692

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    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52690

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    in reply to: Wrong search results on lice site, correct ones in staging area #52687

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    in reply to: What is breaking the redirect to the login form??? #52619

    Post count: 123

    OK, I found a solution. It’s probably not the most elegant way, but it works: I’m using the advise you gave here:

    So although the WP login form is not as elegant as the one used before, it works. I’ll probably get back to this issue later some time, when everything else works smoothly and all content is in place.

    Thanks for now,

    in reply to: What is breaking the redirect to the login form??? #52583

    Post count: 123
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    in reply to: Cannot create Listings any more. #51410

    Post count: 123

    OK, I got it. The “Sidebar & Widget Manager” is causing the conflict.

    I will deacticate that one for these pages … thanks for your help!


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