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  • in reply to: Import facebook error #398325

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Import facebook error #398324

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540


    Sorry to tell you that I just imported a place and I get the following error.

    file: ([errors] => Array ([import_file_error] => Array ([0 ] => cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 10519 milliseconds)) [error_data] => Array ())

    I have uninstalled wp-rocket and installed wp cache and autoptimizer, I have configured them as it comes in the geodirectory web


    in reply to: Import facebook error #398294

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Import facebook error #398287

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    in reply to: Import facebook error #398272

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    in reply to: Import facebook error #398263

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    I talked to the hosting admin and he told me the following

    that error indicates that a timeout occurred while attempting to download the contents of that link, not that Curl is not enabled. If you access that link, it says “Bad URL” so I understand that the route is not correct, hence a timeout occurs.

    So if the facebook route is not correct and such an error occurs it would not be better to put that route is not correct?

    As the message on a white page scares the user,

    in reply to: Import facebook error #398260

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    cURL is installed on the server where I am hosting the web.
    I recently received this error when trying to import a place. It gives me the error message. In the background if you import the place minus the photos

    Import the place of fcebook, put preview and then:

    This is a preview of your post, it has not been published yet.
    If there is something wrong then “Go back and edit” or if you want to continue click “Publish”.

    When I post to publish more than a minute and the next error occurs on a white screen

    file: ([errors] => Array ([import_file_error] => Array ([0 ] => cURL error 28: Resolve the timeout spent after 5540 milliseconds)) [error_data] => Array ())

    The place is imported correctly in the background but without photos, only description and other things.

    The user does not know that the place has been created because there is no confirmation and return in the browser and click again to publish. The same happens after a minute the error message comes out but in the background the place is imported without the photos.
    Well there are two places without photos that the user does not know that they have been imported.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Fail user #398257

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    If you delete a duplicate user and now everything is fine.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Import facebook error #398231

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    I do not understand, what is CURL?

    in reply to: Import facebook error #398221

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    This error I received before but I did not give importance, As the server was delayed, especially when importing a place from the phone
    When I get here, right now I can not even log in as it takes more than 30 seconds. Every time I try to open an admin tab it takes a lot.
    This has started for about 3 days when I have approximately 500 places. I have not modified anything, I have not added any additional plugin, will the database not work with so many places on the server that I have? What does it cost to process?
    To import a place from facebook takes a lot more than a minute and sometimes gives the error that I left above.
    The place is imported but without the corresponding photos, there are no photos. That implies that you go back with the browser and try again because it gives you another error but creates another identical place without photos. this can happen 3, 4 times.
    I do not allow myself to have these errors since it is difficult for users to trust that the web is good and works correctly.
    I need some help with all this.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Import facebook error #398157

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Fail user #398133

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    I’m sorry the translation is not right They are not two users, it is the same but with two different profiles. I have chosen to delete the one that is not using. In the linings nde buddypress I have not found anything.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Fail user #398132

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    There are two users is the same but with two different profiles. I have chosen to delete the one that is not using. In the linings nde buddypress I have not found anything.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Fail user #398125

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Fail user #398124

    Expired Member
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