Jeroen Smid
Forum Replies Created
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Hi Txs, it works for now with that temp fix !
you’re the Best!Hi, now the Sub Meu background of the Whoop Hero Theme is yellow…How can i turn that into black?
Hi, yes sure, I’m sorry, I wrote that thing about the icons under the wrong topic. I found the andswer here:
Hi, i solved the issue with the icons, but i do have still an issue with microsoft edge, showing the submenus in totally white on the hero page:
Hi i have v 2.02.2 installed and it doesnt show icons…… also on microsoft edge, the submenu is white….
On Chrome, IOS etc its normal.pls advise
HI, i solved that last matter, txs.
Question: How can i Amend and or change the Consent Checkboxes. I want to add an extra link to privacy policy.
pls advise
HI, it works great now ! Txs.
I have another issue now: I someone tiries to register, clicking the link that comes through email, it telss the user: Something went wrong: uwp_err=act wrong.Wenn i go to status userswp, i see that these tables are not there:
wp_68_uwp_activity Tabelle ist nicht vorhanden.
wp_68_uwp_followers Tabelle ist nicht vorhanden.
wp_68_uwp_friends Tabelle ist nicht vorhanden.I deactivated and reactivated the plugin again, but it does not work. PLs Advise
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.HI, that shows up, txs. Nevertheless, i put in 2 new things under Listing and events.
They do not show up…. Also i changed unter PLaces —> Packages—> Business Listin Ort—> the desciption…It doesnt show up.So what is the right way to do it? I went to places—> settings—>packages and from there i added a new one, which isnt showing up and amended the old one with a description…
Do i have to go th Invoices to and do something overthere?
pls advise
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