Mitch Canton

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  • in reply to: social import options #527943

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the timely reply.

    1/ I haven’t actually set up the Yelp API (edit: just did so). I was thinking I was just able to use a “workaround” like that “Enable Direct URL Parse” in the Facebook option. NOTE: I was likely ‘doing it wrong’ with Yelp, and am retesting this option. 🙂

    2/ Yes, something like that button/tickbox would be fantastic. Still allow the Profile image, but enable/disable the import of the ‘other’ images from the page. And if you really wanted to get good about it, if the setting was ‘enabled’ then allow us to define a certain quantity of images to be imported, say up to a maximum of ‘x’. (it looks like right now it just pulls the last 3), but for example we allow up to 8 on a listing.

    * Back to Yelp. I have retested, and it seems to work, but it does not pull any of the info in the ‘About the Business’ section on Yelp to add to the ‘description’ section in WPGD. Nor does it pull the website info.

    Is that known/expected?

    Yelp also seems to add the entire Address/City/State/Zip to the ‘Address’ input, which throws an error: “Cannot determine address at this location.” so then needs to be manually removed and reentered into the City State and Zip boxes. Just FWIW.

    Overall, likely to use Facebook more than Yelp with the Facebook Profile Image becoming the Logo, the working input from About, the auto import of the facebook page, etc… (although I notice it did not pull in the website either, is that not an option?).

    Thanks for your help here.

    in reply to: Display Package on admin #521825

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Good that you’re considering it, would be helpful to have.

    I understand that a more detailed review/analysis of all places/packages would be best done via export. But sometimes just a quick glance at a Place Listing on the admin page is what is needed to know what package they have.

    Thanks in advance for the consideration.

    in reply to: Reintroduced Export Error #516451

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hi Kiran,

    I tested the revised snippet on staging and it worked. I have also now moved it to the live site, and it works there as well.

    Thank you very much for your assistance. Have a great day.

    in reply to: Reintroduced Export Error #516388

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Reintroduced Export Error #516387

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hi Kiran,

    Please retry. I saw your login and realized there was a plugin conflict that created two admin levels. I have resolved.

    Sorry for inconvenience.

    in reply to: Reintroduced Export Error #516323

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Reintroduced Export Error #516321

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you for your help here. However, that did not resolve the issue.

    I updated to
    Added the revised snippet (deactivating the other one).

    The same error applied.

    I then deactivated ALL other plugins where ONLY WPGD, (plus Search, Location, and Pricing) were active.

    I tried to export, received same error. ERROR: Could not create csv file. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.

    Deactivated the WPGD addons, tried again, received same error.

    Activate 2019 theme (again WPGD is the ONLY plugin active), same error.

    What else should I try?


    in reply to: Info bubble link #516242

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thanks for pointing me there. Will be nice to make mods that way.

    However, one thing I don’t see anywhere in docs is modifying the link_to=”post” to link to a specified tab – eg the map (/#post_map in URL)

    [gd_post_images type=”image” link_to=”post” ajax_load=”0″ show_logo=”true” ]

    How would we modify the link_to in this shortcode to link to /listing/#post_map ?


    in reply to: Info bubble link #516230

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    That’s awesome, I didn’t know that. Thanks!

    in reply to: search display and sort #516181

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    If I click on a “near me” button, as created via shortcode GD>Near Me Button “gd_location_near_me”, it drops me into the ‘location’ page

    (that page has the shortcode)
    [gd_map map_type=”auto” zoom=”12″ width=”100%” height=”425px” search_filter=”1″ cat_filter=”0″]
    [gd_listings post_limit=8 add_location_filter=’1′]

    which DOES display all markers on map, display limit 8 listed below it that are NEAR ME, and that page has the url = url/location/near/me/actuallat123,actuallng456/

    which THEN if I place the search term in the search box on that Location page, it sends me back to the wpgd-search URL – with the expected listings.

    I finally get the listings I want, but must take multiple steps to get there.

    Why can’t I simply shorten this process? Just be able to add a “&s=pizza” (or coffee, or whatever) search term to what happens when I click the ‘near me’ button?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: search display and sort #516014

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Yes, that’s exactly how I figured out to do a specific search link in a button, copying the URL from a previous search.

    But I am trying to make it work as a “Near Me” function, where the geo_lat and geo_lng are determined by the user geolocation.

    Using a “Near Me” shortcode/button generates the geo data, but that seems to drop me in to the ‘Location’ page. How do I create a “Near Me” functionality as part of the URL where I have included “&stype=gd_place&s=pizza&snear=”


    in reply to: search display and sort #515961

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hi Kor,

    Thanks for the timely reply. I understand the standard search structure, but in this case the visitor isn’t searching, we create a ‘search url’ that specifically only searches for a term and the url includes the ‘near me’ and ‘lat lng’ info if allowed (like the example I provided), so why can’t it sort by distance?

    With such a high percentage of our users on mobile, search based on ‘near me’ is really important. It seems as though we can add info that to the URL structure, but what good does that feature do if the search return gives us listings 10 miles away as the first ones displayed.

    Maybe have the search listings page have a shortcode option to display only items within x distance of the lat lng generated in the search?

    There has to be some way to get a closer set of marker points for someone searching on mobile.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: show_special map shortcode #514216

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I made all the code changes listed in those two items in github, changed the shortcode for the tags class, and the display of the special offers items works as expected.

    Thank you very much for stellar support.

    Have a great day.

    in reply to: show_special map shortcode #513576

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the very timely reply, much appreciated.

    I created a new page and used

    [gd_map width=”100%” height=”425px” maptype=”ROADMAP” zoom=”12″ map_type=”archive” post_settings=”1″]
    [gd_listings title=”test special title” sort_by=”az” layout=”4″ show_special_only=”1″]

    and it returned the map with “No records found”

    of note, the gd_listings part did properly only show the special_only listings, just nothing on the map.

    and if I change map_type to “auto” or “directory” the map does render, displaying ALL of the listings in the database (just not limiting to those in the gd_listings shortcode on that page).

    What else should I try?


    in reply to: Submit Listing redirect #510089

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thank you Kiran, I will give that a try. You are always very helpful with code tweaks, it’s very appreciated.

    Have a great day.

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