Mitch Canton

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  • in reply to: category permalink filter results #478262

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: v2 conversion issues, db won't update #457543

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    I get what you are saying, but my point was I didn’t need someone to tell me I “had too many plugins” and imply some “weren’t necessary” – that wasn’t helpful.

    And while I understand that I can run the conversion on staging without other plugins, I need to do this as a test run on staging with all the same plugins that are on the live site so when I try it on the production site I know what to expect.

    Interestingly, after I logged out and came back to it the next day, the database conversion was completed.

    But I expected it to reset the same pages I had for v1 and reset the same default location, and neither of those things happened.

    I thought I had kept up on the blog posts about this conversion, but I may need to go read some more. I’ll continue to leave the live site on v1 until I get a better feel for how all these changes impact my expectations.


    in reply to: v2 conversion issues, db won't update #457391

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Yes, we disable to default cron and set up a custom cron to help with site performance. We can reset that for the update.

    Please don’t tell me I have too many plugins, that is not your place. Of those plugins, less than 100 are active (others are off and on, as needed), and we use selective script loading functionality to reduce the plugin stack load and any impact on performance.

    And it’s not like we’re on shared hosting, so we account for the plugin stack via server and cache settings as well.

    Lastly, I don’t have “unnecessary plugins” – if they were unnecessary, they wouldn’t be there. I could just as soon say the five WPGeo Directory plugins were unnecessary. But we want them, so they are necessary, and they are there.

    I had already deactivated the WPGD custom plugin I had created for customizations.

    I’ll recreate a staging site and run it again. We’ll see what happens.

    Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the support we get from WPGD, and that is why I just re-subscribed for another year. But please try not to pontificate in the provision of support. Thanks.

    in reply to: v2 conversion issues, db won't update #457224

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: Large query number #435702

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thanks for taking a detailed look. I guess I’m not so worried about the .05 as I was about the sheer number of queries. I was under the (maybe mistaken?) impression that that was going to cause me some real problems as we increased our logged-in active user count.

    I know the way I hacked up the widget where it includes 25+ WPGD shortcodes in the same widget was not likely normal usage, 🙂 but that was the only way I could figure out how to get the listings layout I wanted in that sidebar.

    Again, I’m open to doing it another way if you had any suggestions.

    in reply to: Large query number #435686

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I use the same shortcode in a couple of places, so I have it in a widget in: Appearance > Widgets > Widget Shortcode > Custom HTML: Featured Community Listings

    Yes, there are definitely slow query issues with the event plugin, but that is a separate matter (and I now selectively load that plugin only on events related pages).

    My question here was specifically about the total number of WPGD queries generated, and if there was a better, more efficient way to accomplish the same output display.

    On an event CPT, WPGD produces 177 queries (.058 time), on a WP post, WPGD produces 198 queries (.028 time).

    I know I have a lot going on there, I’m just trying to find efficiencies.


    in reply to: Large query number #435550

    Mitch Canton
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    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: php compatibility test #431562

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thank you gentlemen.

    I’m still testing compatibility across the entire plugin stack, so I’ll look forward to your upcoming releases to use 7.2.5.

    FWIW, timeout is set at 300. I had one other plugin timeout in the process.

    Thanks. Have a great day.

    in reply to: Selective load crashes site #423508

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I understand. Our issue is that we must make the Prices and Locations add-ons active “Globally” for them to work properly with package ids code. Problem then is that if add-ons are on Globally, but the Base plugin is not loaded on a specific page, the page 500’s.

    I need to go through every page and post type on the site to make sure I disable add-ons script whenever and wherever the base plugin script is not loaded. Not convenient at all, but I will sacrifice the convenience for the ability to save resources and improve performance.

    I appreciate the rationale and explanation.

    in reply to: Selective load crashes site #423410

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    If they only check in the back end, how do we keep the pages from 500/crashing on the front end? As is, we have to go through every single page and post type to reset the addon status, based on whether the base plugin script has been selectively unloaded. It seems a check on the front end as well would make sense. Is there a reason you have that not happen?


    in reply to: Plugin changes listing address information #423144

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I’m not sure why it would need to do that from their perspective but I’ll check with the dev.

    So is this something I can prevent them from doing from the WPGD side of things?


    in reply to: adding same image to multiple listings #420996

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    OK, that makes sense. All of these have other primary categories.

    So if I upload a single image to the website, grab that URL and then upload an ‘update’ csv for all of those listings with that image URL as the image, will that work?

    Will it cause any issues with it being in the media library vs. the WPGD library? Or any other issues?

    I’m just trying to keep from uploading the same image 110 different times to 110 different listings.


    in reply to: adding same image to multiple listings #420949

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    I did set the image as the ‘no listing’ image in that WPGD category, but it is not applying to any of the listings with that category. Is that supposed to add that image to all listings with that category? and does it matter if that specific listing is the ‘primary’ category or not?


    in reply to: Losing Page Tabs #420591

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    So the same issue that was happening over here was the cause of this issue as well.

    Plugin conflict (Woocommerce Booster setting) that ignored the OFF setting of selectively loaded plugins.


    in reply to: Lost gd-post-pkg-x #420590

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    After waaaay too long working on this issue, I wanted to update that it is resolved. It was not really a WPGD issue.

    Quick short story for future reference. We use a selective load plugin to, well, selectively load plugins on posts, pages, etc. We had turned off ALL other plugins (via this method) but the issue with losing the WPGD settings remained. So it seemed natural to be a WPGD issue.

    Come to find out, somehow another plugin (a Woocommeerce Booster setting) ‘ignored’ this OFF setting, and was indeed conflicting with WPGD, and removing that functionality. Once we went through 90 plugins to determine the culprit, and modified the plugin option, WPGD functionality came back.

    Thanks for looking into it with me.

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