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Totally agree Paolo, GTMatrix gives me a URL, that no longer exist, not sure if its a cache issue (even though I’ve cleared it) or how its looking at data.
When I use Google Page speed, I get a whole other set of issues:
Minify CSS and JS,
Browser caching for: (expiration not specified)…53063023eb4fd96adc8?d=identicon&s=30&r=G (5 minutes) (30 minutes) (2 hours)Remove render-blocking JavaScript:…3E/%3E/booster_cache&nocache=1434404041?Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:…4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css?ver=1.4.8…%3E/%3E/booster_cache&nocache=1434404041…%3E/%3E/booster_cache&nocache=1434404041…2C600&subset=latin%2Clatin-ext&ver=4.2.2
https://www.bluestarguide.comhttps/…700%7CRoboto%3A700%2C300%2C400&ver=1.0.0…%2C700%2C400italic%2C700italic&ver=4.2.2Never ends, I’ll get it sorted..
Please close..
No CDN, yet.
Only using GD Booster
Cleared the cache, still showing up. Some of these broken links are stuff that I removed months ago but just found recently.
No bad links in broken link checker.
When I run GTMatrix, I see the broken links..
If I have to removed the link from the database, where would I start looking?
Thank you!
On one of my bad link checkers, I keep getting this 404, any idea what it may be? I can delete it and it comes back?
Never mind, found it.. Thanks
So far, so good, thank you!
I am able to long in with the account info I gave you. Its not an IP issue, still trying to track this down, I believe is cleared up and you should be able to log in, Sorry for wasting time.
Ok, 403 are fixed, sorry, you should have access now.
Complete error:
[09-Jun-2015 20:22:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for geodir_event_title_recurring_event() in /home2/theauti9/public_html/bluestarguide/wp-content/plugins/geodir_event_manager/gdevents_hooks_actions.php on line 20
[10-Jun-2015 03:10:44 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_get_posttypes() in /home2/theauti9/public_html/bluestarguide/wp-content/plugins/geodir_buddypress/includes/gdbuddypress_functions.php on line 706
This reply has been marked as private.So, I running into this same issue.
My question, if I add a new CPT for a locationless service and someone does a search, will the locationless service show up mixed in with any “brick and morter” locations?
For my example, I have a company with a HQ in CA, but they run flights out of Denver CO. So, when someone is looking for flights, I want them to show with all my CO transport options?
PLEASE mark this as closed.. I found a work around and between that and the script you sent, this should be ok.
Baiscally, I turn off GD Boost when I update the plugin so the script can be verified. Once done, I can turn GD Boost back on the certification stays put.
Thanks, I’ll drop in the code shortly. You should be able to log in now, there is an issue with WP Security that is not allowing folks to long in, it never stops.
Thank you and all good.
I had to turn off WP Security to get you in. I am going to turn it back on and if /when you need access, please let me know.. Not sure what is going on with the 403, adding it to my todo list.
fixed.. I hope
Ok, IP’s are updated and I just logged in with the user name and password I sent you.
If it happens again, try it a 2nd time and then email me back, please.
I get the 403 from time to time and have yet to isolate them 100%
This reply has been marked as private. -