Forum Replies Created
Hi Patrick,
We have fixed all the Errors and Warnings and will be there in the future release.
Let me know if you have any queries.
PatrikYes! It is the file I have modified and the function is
Let me know if more info required.
PatrikHi marktowers,
I can access FTP now and made the required changes in the file. Please review it on your site and let us know if it works fine for you.
PatrikHi marktowers,
I can’t connect with FTP details you provided. Could you please confirm the details once again?
PatrikHi Michael,
It seems the “name” field in Profile Details was removed which is a required field in registration form of BuddyPress if Xprofile component is enabled. I have re-added it and now the registration flow is working fine on your site.
Let me know if you have any queries.
PatrikHi marktowers,
We have fixed this and it will be available in the next release of Event Manager add-on. If you want to apply the fix on your site then please provide us the FTP details in private reply, so that we can modify the required files.
PatrikHi Mike,
There are two ways to do so, one by code and another using CSS. Following is the solution using the CSS which is easy to apply:
body.single.single-gd_partner .gd_partner .geodir_flex-container { display: none; }
This will hide the images slider from partner’s detail page.
PatrikHi Mike,
I had provided the CSS for a specific pages. If you would like to apply in the whole site then you can use the following CSS:
@media screen and (min-width: 900px){ div#primary {float: left;width: 58%;} div#secondary {float: right;width: 36%;margin-left: 0px;} }
Please note: This will be applied to all the pages/posts of the site.
Can you provide links to the pages/post you are talking about to remove store logo?
PatrikHi Mike,
Following is the CSS code you can put into your style.css of active theme or in custom CSS on admin side by going to Appearance->Edit CSS menu.
@media screen and (min-width: 900px){ .bb-has-sidebar div#primary {float: left;width: 58%;} .bb-has-sidebar div#secondary {float: right;width: 36%;margin-left: 0px;} }
PatrikHi Siparker,
We have fixed this issue and it will be in next release of the plugin.
PatrikHi Siparker,
Can you provide us the link, admin and FTP details in private reply so that we can look more into it?
Patrik -