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  • in reply to: Fields missing in Add Listing Form #400344

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Paolo

    thanks for your reply, but that was exactly the reason why I was asking if you know a good one. There are simply too many and everyone claims to have the best one to offer.

    I thought you maybe have one that you have made some good experiences with.

    Anyhow I’m getting closer to complete the SQL script to export the listings data.

    in reply to: Fields missing in Add Listing Form #400299

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Stiofan

    this sounds like a little challenge 🙂

    But tbh, I think this is a weak spot in the otherwise great GeoDirectory.

    So for a migration it seems to be the best way then to export all users and import them to the target site before importing the GD data.

    Do you know some good tools for exporting / importing users?

    in reply to: Fields missing in Add Listing Form #400181

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Stiofan

    thanks for your answer.

    I just thought about to do an export right from the database with plain vanilla SQL.

    Would you have any hints about what to care for and which tables I would need to export?

    This would help me perfectly and I could also replace user id’s with SQL then.

    Thanks again for the great support you and your team provides, thumbs up

    in reply to: Fields missing in Add Listing Form #399651

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Stiofan

    thanks for your reply

    The author ID has changed because I did completely build a new new site from scratch and didn’t add the users in the same sequence on the new site.

    I think this issue will arise sooner or later for everyone if they try to export some data from one site to use them in another site.

    Maybe it would also be a nice to have exporter feature if it would bee possible to select records just from one or more users.

    In the meantime I managed to solve the image issue – I used the wrong images – my fault!
    Sorry to bother you about this.

    After using the right images all worked fine, sort of.

    In the Media Library the images still showed the grey placeholders, but I got that working as well after running EWWWW Bulk optimizer scan.

    What I personally don’t understand is why all the images have to get added into one folder and not into the original folder structure?

    I mean, what if someone got thousands of images over the years and want to use the exporter because of rebuilding the site? And maybe even used some of them in articles and other places?

    Maybe it would be nice if there would be an option in the exporter that lets the user choose if he wants to keep the original folder structure or not.

    in reply to: Fields missing in Add Listing Form #399421

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Stiofan

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I was looking a bit deeper into it and accidentally noticed that this happened in Firefox but looked ok in Chrome – I was quite surprised.

    So I flushed the whole Site and restarted it from scratch and the issue is gone.

    However I still wonder what went wrong, as I used the same plugins and themes like before.


    Anyhow I got confronted with a new issue this time: I exported all the data and images, followed the instructions to import them.

    All the data got restored fine after the import, except for the author, because it had a different ID.
    Maybe here it would be nice if the importer would make a check if that author exists and if not if an alternative author should be used.

    I quickly changed the ID in Libre Office and did a next attempt. Now the author was there and I uploaded the images to the folder mentioned by the importer 2017/10.

    All the pictures are there but in the Media Library I just got those grey placeholders… and the images show as unattached and of course dont show up on the site.

    How could I fix this issue? Manually attaching them would maybe work but there are a few hundereds of them ….

    Thanks for any hint, Peter

    in reply to: Author right section question #397089

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Paolo

    thanks for your reply and answer. I’m puzzled too, specially after setting up a testsite from scratch and there it’s all fine. This is really strange, i think i first going to pull Divi completely and reinstall it and see what’s happening.

    I just was afraid that I somewhere missed something in the settings.

    I will keep you posted about what’s going on.

    thanks again and happy weekend 🙂

    in reply to: Author right section question #397055

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Kor

    I just found out something that might help you when looking into this:

    This happens depending on the user Account as you can see in the attached Screenshots

    The GeoDirectory User looks the way as it is expected, but with the Ben Utzer User the sidebar gets pushed to the bottom and the content area becomes a width of 100%

    Hope this might help in finding the reason for this

    Best regards and happy weekend

    in reply to: Author right section question #396614

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Paolo

    Thanks for your reply, I was just afraid that I had missed out on something.

    Hopefully this feature will make it into geodirectory, as it would come in quite handy with bigger directories.

    Best regards

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Kiran

    I just have finished testing the patch on the productive site, it works perfectly.

    Thanks again for a great job 🙂

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Kiran

    thanks for your effort to look into this and providing a patch so fast 🙂

    I will try the patch later today on the other site and let you know.

    However, I’m quite confident it will work 🙂

    Thanks again, great job. Thumbs up

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    Lifetime Member
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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 102

    Hi Kirin

    Just wanted to let you know that this site is in production and that I removed the Query monitor plugins you installed and need to do a full rollback now because I don’t know what else got changed that makes the site run slower 🙁

    Quite unhappy now

    Lifetime Member
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