laurence anthony

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  • in reply to: Display Order option for front end display of prices #13491

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    I”ve updated to current version. It states “Added sort options to backend price table – ADDED”

    But I’m not seeing how to sort. please advise


    in reply to: #13490

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    Thanks Guust. think I’m blind. I don’t see it’s been requested or how to create a new request. also, seems like i’m out of votes or something.

    If I develop this, any options to implement through you guys?


    in reply to: Display Order option for front end display of prices #13485

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    Hi, has this feature been added?

    in reply to: Virtual Pages #11427

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    i don’t see any other plugins for creating widgets on my site.
    prob Enfold 2.8.1 has a widget creator.
    then you just drop a widget section anywhere on a page and assign it. this is why i think for GD all in one widget. then we could use multiple instances of the same widget but with different settings as required by their respective pages

    in reply to: Virtual Pages #11422

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    yea, already started with custom css. fairly easy to work with too, i might add.

    maybe if you decide to create an all in one listings widget, you could add category to the options? Just thoughts here

    in reply to: Virtual Pages #11419

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    In enfold, i have several page/post layout templates for various sections of the site. Some pages/posts have different sidebars, footers, or are full width, etc. I’ll load the appropriate template after creating a new page/post. If i need to customize the layout for a specific post, i’ll save as new version of that particular template.
    The Main pages mostly contain shortcode and/or widgets that pull content from different custom post types or taxonomies.
    But I think you’re right, single post needs global template. But should only be

    So if i wanted to use one of Enfold’s Masonry section, I can just choose the ‘GD placecategory’ to filter from. which is great.

    I think what’s missing is a widget for Listings. One that would have settings to display all, featured, new, popular (you already have), and/or single. With options for 1,2,3,4,5 column grid (like the virtual page for listings).

    also, how could I tell GD to inherit the themes style? So that standard theme colors and button styles, etc get applied to GD plugin elements? I would like to use similar buttons and pulldowns across the site.

    I think where short codes come in handy, is using features like Enfold’s Accordion section. Since it doesn’t have option to choose post type (like Masonry). Then I could place shortcode for user favorites.

    For example, the GD theme vs the GD plugin. I see the theme, on single post has Tabbed display of Profile, Photo, map, Reviews, and Related. But I dont see where I can do that with the plugin itself. With Shortcodes for each of these items, I could use a Tabbed Viewer. Antoher example is the Category pull down menu on the theme. I don’t see this in the plugin. But if that had a shortcode, I could place it on the page wherever i want.

    I’m new to GD too. So I may be missing some of these things. I’m on the verge of buying it, but right now, I don’t see the features on the demo site, in the plugin. and I can’t switch themes at this point.

    in reply to: Virtual Pages #11410

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    In Enfold, you can create custom widget areas, drop in GD widgets in them, then insert a widget section anywhere on any page you want using Avia, then assign the custom widget you just created.

    in reply to: Virtual Pages #11400

    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    sounds like shortcodes for GD haven’t been created yet, correct?
    GD shortcodes would be good to have so we can create custom layouts for listings pages

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