John Allsopp

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  • in reply to: Slugs for CPTs #2016

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    The listing slug name ( max. 20 characters ). Alphanumeric lower-case characters and underscores only. Min 2 letters. Once added the post type ‘Listing Slug’ name cannot be changed.

    In my example i would want “police-stations” rather than “police_stations”

    in reply to: Override WPGeo Styles #2013

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Hi @guust
    The child theme’s style.css will override the parent theme’s style.css, but it loads before stylesheets for plugins, so it won’t override them.

    My solution makes the new stylesheet load last (after all theme and plugins) so yes, you won’t need to use !important if you do it my way 🙂

    nb: An alternative would be to find the enqueue statement for the plugin you want to override (in the plugin files) and dequeue it, then enqueue it yourself with a higher priority to bring it before your theme – but that requires finding how it was enqueued (and doing it for all the plugins you want to override) – so i find it easier to just load a new stylesheet after everything else.

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #1830

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    GD > Popular Post View
    Have an option to remove excerpt ( i tried putting a 0 in the count for the excerpt but it didn’t work )
    Also options to disable the rating and favourite would be nice.

    At the moment i am removing them all with css display:none; but it would be nice to be able to remove it properly 🙂

    in reply to: Breadcrumb issue? #1154

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Good stuff! Thanks for this 🙂

    in reply to: Themeing with WPGeoDirectory? #1153

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    @increxendo – you’re right, unfortunately not that simple.
    @websitu – i have given this a lot of thought, and building the templates would be a bit of a job, but doable. The problem for me though is that all those templates will need updating with changes to the plugin. With several themes it could be a nightmare…

    What i was really hoping is that the plugin would evolve, so that functions are separate from display and hooked into position – then i could create a set of Genesis templates that simply unhook the standard content and re-hook it into the positions necessary for Genesis.

    Still hopeful that those 112,000+ Genesis users will be a big enough carrot for Stiofan and the gang to move the plugin in this direction 🙂

    in reply to: Themeing with WPGeoDirectory? #1127

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    It’s a real shame as this will be a deal-breaker for Genesis users unless they are willing to build and maintain their own set of templates.

    All pages generated by the plugin “bypass” Genesis, so even the primary navigation menu cannot be used – really hoping you have a change of heart…

    in reply to: HTML5 Support on the roadmap? #1126

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Great thanks.


    in reply to: HTML5 Support on the roadmap? #1114

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Things like using <main>, <article>, <header> etc etc in the templates

    in reply to: Themeing with WPGeoDirectory? #982

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    My thoughts exactly Amolin – and i’d love to be able to create themes to support WPGeo, but at the moment although it works with Genesis, it’s not “compatible” – it just outputs everything in a block.
    I’d love to see a structure where i can do things like:

    remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_do_post_title' );
    add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'do_wpgeo_title' );

    etc etc

    and the plugin doesn’t play nicely with the structure of genesis when it comes to creating templates.
    The WPGeo templates have get_header(); and get_footer(); which we don’t want as our genesis(); at the end of a template takes care of all that stuff.
    I’d like to see all the building blocks of wpgeo being wrapped up in separate functions, so i can create a template and just output what i want, where i want, like this:

    add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'wpgeo_do_detail_title' );
    add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'wpgeo_do_detail_content' );
    add_action( 'genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area', 'wpgeo_do_detail_sidebar' );

    Of course that may be something that can happen as the plugin evolves…

    in reply to: Themeing with WPGeoDirectory? #975

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    The problem is that i would still need to modify several templates to do the things i would like when creating themes. Is it possible that in the future there will be more separation of function from the output markup?

    For instance H1 titles are hard-coded in the templates, so i can’t add HTML5 markup without changing several templates – the same goes for taking out the sidebars and putting them inside an “aside” etc

    Not moaning as i think you’ve done a great job with the plugin and i’ve been looking forward to it for months – it’s just that as a Genesis user i miss being able to move things around with actions…

    in reply to: Themeing with WPGeoDirectory? #840

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I would prefer not to make my own templates as it can be a headache to keep them updated as the plugin codebase changes. I would much rather use hooks and filters, so i’ll probably wait until you have sorted the documentation for this.

    Is there a hook for the WPGeo sidebar, so i can do a remove_action and then place it into my primary sidebar area?

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