Forum Replies Created
Good, next thing then after adding the real data (as opposed to Dummy Data) will be the review stars.
Watch out for the next enthralling forum post!
So – looking at the problem you just described with the Google API key, would it be an idea to remove the GDMap from the front page to ease the pressure on daily requests?
Works superbly now, and even has the ‘Places’ link in the Author page on a mobile.
Thanks for that, and I owe you an apology and a double scotch!
Looking at it logically, with it being a local Nottingham directory, the listings based in America won’t show.
Not sure whats happening here as I only uploaded two ‘Dummy Datas’ to make sure I still got the error messages.
Well now, nothing in ANY links is working.
Error on clicking on any listing reads –
Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_wpml_is_post_type_translated() in /var/sites/n/nottinghamshine.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/supreme-directory/inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php on line 796
A quickie I just noticed regarding this issue –
Stiophan’s website at https://wpgeo.directory/supreme-directory/author/stiofan/ has the same problem of a missing ‘Places’ link on a PC so I’m guessing it’ll be the same on a Mobile.
FTP info in post above.
Stiophan, I’m quite aware of what went off, but keeping me out of the loop instead of just telling me to ‘shut up, we’re on it’, smacks of being ignored – especially when I get an immediate reply after pulling all of the CSS out.
I think we’ll agree to differ on this one.
This reply has been marked as private.Oh right, thanks Stiophan!
Yep, all looks good now.
I’ve not set any ftp accounts up yet for this new domain but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.
Now let’s get this right – I was asked first thing this morning for admin credentials so that someone could check out this issue.
Then I posted no less than 3-4 updates on my subsequent findings.
I finally got an immediate reply when I juggled the CSS about a little.
So can I really be blamed for assuming that I was being given the cold shoulder on this issue?
CSS removed and page re-set for you to analyse.
This reply has been marked as private.There, done it myself.
This is probably the first time I’ve been let down badly by support.
Bad show, guys!
Further update –
I just uploaded a test listing containing a real, live WordPress avatar – and the profile Author image is still not working – still shows the ‘mystery man’ logo.
So is GeoDirectory incapable of showing the author image on the profile page?
If it is, I’d probably suggest it’s about time that someone with CSS skills got around to removing this feature altogether!