Forum Replies Created
Yeah, we’re only talking around 14 or so listings in total.
I’ll get on to that tomorrow morning, thanks!
Dunno, you might be able to help –
I just got a new domain on which I’m going to upload a new website with Geodirectory and the Supreme Directory theme.
At present I’m running an Appthemes theme on another domain (which I’m looking to close down) with around ten customers that have ads/listings that I’m planning to bring over with me to the new domain.
What would be the best way to achieve this and let all the present customers keep their logon’s, usernames, passwords etc to make the switch as painless as possible?
Thanks Guust, I knew it would be something simple.
Nice to be back!
Hi Stiofan,
I’ve got this thing whereby I HATE WP Super Cache with a passion, as there’s no way to work out what its doing, or where its doing it. OK I can understand some people wanting a plug and play caching system, but its not for me.
Autoptimize got the boot after you pointed out that ALL css must be inlined for it to work properly.
I take your point about Google PSI, but it’s the main yardstick that everyone goes to – and then Pingdom, GTMetrix and WebPageSpeedTest for the fine tuning.
As I said, I’ve still got to minify my JS at some point today, AND set up Cloudflare, so we’ll see what happens after my juggling!
Thanks, got it sorted with the code snippet!
Bit of a rip-off, isn’t it?
I’m not really encouraged by your definition of a ‘sustainable business model’.
Really disheartened by this news…
OK, so what would be the cost for an extra 12 months support and upgrade?
Oh right – so if I shelled out £150-£200 on add-ons that I needed for my website, how do I get the support and any upgrades?
Hang on, I got it.
Didn’t realise at first, but you need to specify what WAS the old opening tab, that the opening tab is now being moved, and what the new opening tab is now.
Pretty complex stuff for a Sunday evening!
Yes, that code snippet works, but it’s now opening the ‘Reviews’ tab first.
How do I get it to open the ‘Photos’ tab when the page is first opened?
Hmm… looking at it even closer, I think that swapping the tabs around so that ‘Photos’ appears (and opens) first might just suffice.
Well the url is no problem – its This Is Nottingham
As for the screenshot, aside from going into Gimp or Photoshop, that might be a little tricky.
BUT – if you click on the ‘Buddokan’ sample data listing, you can see that the featured image is at the top, all Air BNB – like.
What I’d ideally like to add is either a second main photo (or even a stream of them) right where the Tabs are now, with the tabs moved underneath the photo.
Yeah, its the Supreme Directory theme, and it’s ideal for what I’m after. Bit of genius design at last from the developers!
What I’d also like though, is if a main photo could appear in the ‘detail’, either with or without the photo slide underneath, as apart from the featured image, it all looks a little empty after that.
Super, thanks for the info!
(mark as resolved shortcode)
Yeah, its the Profile Page I was looking at – the one where an avatar for an advertiser would be essential.
I don’t think I’ll go down the BuddyPress road at the moment, as just using it for a profile page avatar is a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
I might be tempted in trying the UsersWP plugin out though – where do I get it?
At the moment, I found THIS PLUGIN to tide me over for the time being.