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  • in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480655

    Free User
    Post count: 11

    Hi Alex,

    I think the issue is mainly with the [gd_single_tabs] shortcode then; that’s the one that always seems to expand to the screen’s full width, despite the column width. Sadly, that’s the one I’m trying to get to work properly. Do you think you could look into that?

    p.s. When you say theme builder, are you referring to Elementor’s theme builder (not sure if they have one) or another theme builder?

    Thanks for your help so far, really appreciate it!


    in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480496

    Free User
    Post count: 11

    Hi Alex,

    Apologies, I didn’t realise there was a separate forum for GD v2. I’ll post future questions in the appropriate forum.

    The main issue I have is that when I design custom GD pages, the GD element shortcode’s output will expand to take up the entire width of the page, no matter how many columns I’ve put.

    I’ve attached two pictures below. In the first, you can see how I placed a GD shortcode in one column, and an image in the second column. However, as you can see in the second attached picture, the shortcode’s output takes up the full width of the page, pushing the image down to the next line.

    I would like to know if there is any way to fix this issue. I’ve tried using the GD widget, instead of a shortcode element, in the first column, and have also changed the template to Elementor Canvas, to no avail.

    in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480464

    Free User
    Post count: 11

    Hi again,

    Yup I’ve tried that. Attached image of what I did, but the output is the same as before. I also tried adding an image in the 2nd column to test, but again, the GD shortcode pushes the image down to the next line.

    in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480315

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    in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480294

    Free User
    Post count: 11


    Apologies, my explanation may not have been clear enough. I’ve attached two pictures to show what I mean. The first pic shows how I placed the shortcode in the page builder (note the ‘Content Width: Boxed’ setting on the left). The second pic shows its output (notice how it’s expanded to take up the full width of the page).

    in reply to: Editing a section of the GD details page #480086

    Free User
    Post count: 11


    Thanks for the suggestions! I have another question related to designing GD pages; thought I’d slip it in here.

    I am trying to design a new Details template page, and I am using the Elementor page builder. However, one issue I’ve realised is that GD element shortcodes tend to take up the full width of the container that they’re in. For example, when placing content into two columns on the same ‘row’, I would try placing one GD shortcode in one column, and another GD shortcode in the other column (e.g. listing title in one column, post rating in the other column). However, when viewing the result of it, each of those shortcodes’ output has expanded to take up the entire width (i.e. both columns’ width), thus pushing the other onto the next line.

    Sometimes, on a full-width template, the GD shortcode’s output would take up the entire width of the page, even though I have already placed it into a container which takes up only a part of the screen’s full width.

    Is there any way to easily rectify this issue, or would I need to constantly go into custom CSS to solve these issues?



    in reply to: Removing header and footer #479182

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    Post count: 11


    You can refer to this URL here ( I’m referring to the dark grey bar at the very top, and the copyright bar at the very bottom.

    Is there any way to get rid of them?


    in reply to: Post content pages not showing #479073

    Free User
    Post count: 11


    Working as intended now. Thank you for your prompt assistance!


    in reply to: Adding listings from the backend #478821

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    in reply to: Adding listings from the backend #478818

    Free User
    Post count: 11

    Hi again,

    I tried doing as you mentioned, and disabled the frontend add option. However, I’m running into another problem, as I’m not sure now how to add a proper listing from the backend. I’ve tried the “Add New” option from the WP admin area, but it doesn’t show me the fields to add information for the new listing.

    Hope someone could help me out on this. Thank you!


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