Forum Replies Created
I give up asking 😉
I am sorry for that, but a lot of people visiting my website and my clients are very unhappy with speed, some are even leaving.
I have deactivated the directory plugin and the website runs as fast as before…I activate it and seems like it is in sleep mode.
I am, but still waiting for gt -> gd converting tool. Nevertheless I can test it and translate it.
@jeff if you red this I am good to go! 🙂
Any advice for “A … with this field is already listed!
Please make sure you are not adding a duplicate entry
I haven´t any votes left, is there somebody who would like to add a map switcher where you can switch between map and imagegallery of the spot.
Something similar like this
thank you. Vikas told me to ask you abou the GT-GD convertion tool-do you have any timeframe. I need it asap, if you decide to drop it, let me know, then I will try to do it in another way. I need to convert about 2000 listings to GD. Best would be if they fit into the right custom post type.
rog!Any news about how to translate the calendar and the timesystem?
Hi Stiofan,
I mean the add event listing calendar. & in general to change time from am/pm to 24 hour.
How can I change the event calender to 24 hour?
& how can I translate the calender itself, the days and month.BEST
Most important thing is the word yes and no, where can I translate it in:
custom search
custom post type check field
business ownertbc
Youre the man!
THXHi Paolo,
I didnt know that, I really need the GT->GD Tool very urgent and I know its already in the box, so please let me get a chance to get this done…best rog
Hi Paolo,
I requested a GT->GD converter but non of my feature requests appears…
Are there any restrictions?