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Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 192 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 192 total)
Thank you, is there a way to prevent it inthe future?
I think so, but the problem is that I renamed the Location Page and it didn’t change anything. Any ideas why?
Yes, but it won’t change the location of existing listings, only the new ones, right?
Thanks, this would be great.
It’s a beautiful widget, but because of this small nuance it’s sort of unusable.
Ok will test and let you know.
Sorry Guust, I meant the standart WP login page. I already have it styled, this is why I would like it to use instead of gd login page. Is it possible to do it?
Yes, there is a “New User? Register Now” option but, it’s a login page.
Can I make it go to the buddypress login page instead, since I’m using it?
It worked grear, thank you.
Great, thank you.
Btw is it worth using image lazy load plugins like BJ LAZY LOAD with GD?
*I’ve just reread previous answer and I guess it’s not possible, sorry…
Hi, again.
Is there a way to control the map height with a css?
I would like to set the maximum height depending on the screen size.
Thank you.
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