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Hi I’ve got one more question regarding GD booster. Does it compress, cache and minify only gd related assets, or it also handles all other plugins active on the site, like buddypress, bbpress, blog and plugins related to them?
or maybe there is a way to set a minimum autozoom level?
How can I make it keep a certain aspect ratio (4X3 for example or usual aspect ratio of the world map with no grey areas), regardless of the screen resolution? Can you help me with the css code to make it work?
Thanks, you helped me anyways. It’s a pleasure to contact your support team.
By the way, do you have any page to see the future features release?Ok, Stiofan, I guess it does work on mobile devices, at least on those that checked. Thank you again for your help 🙂
Sure, the theme I’m using has a mobile version, which is automatically activated when the screen size get’s smaller than a certain number of pxls. So when I make the desktop browser like Chrome and Firefox smaller – to replicate the smartphone screen size, navigation bar simply disappears (it doesn’t happen when I do it without GDB activated).
Thank you very much, from your words I understand that in the future it will be possible to combine both of them. Can you tell how far is it from now?
Did I understood you correctly? I have to choose either CDN or GDBooster, right?
IF so, can you advise any CDN network that is compatible with GD?Thank you, Paolo.
Yes, my website visitors will be from different countries and maybe continents, so I need CDN. Can I combine both CDN and GDbooster? How can this be done, because from some post I understood that they don’t work well together?
It looks good on big screens, but still no titlebar on mobile sized screen.
Hi Stiofan,
I’ve just solved that error, no more errors on the page, but GDB still hides the navigation bar from the page.Thank you Paolo, now I see the way it is supposed to function.
Since there is no way to use any caching other than GD Booster, can someone help me tune it up? Because when I activate the plugin all my page layout crashes.
Thank you.Since there maybe a problem with server side caching. Did anyone test GD compatibility with MediaTemple’s WordPress managed hosting?
Yes, it does work nicely without the Docs, thank you very much.
Awesome, thank you.