RTRDigital Administrator

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  • in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #439678

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    Thanks for the help with the remove action function. I was able to successfully complete that part of the project. Unfortunately, I think I’m missing some concept about the filters. I read up on how filters are applied in WordPress, and the apply_filters() function is not listed, but I have a clear understanding of the concept when applied to regular WP. I’m assuming this filter was added through the plugin…

    I assume the filter is applied when geodir_custom_infowindow_html is called, but I was unable to find that function in the plugin. Anyway, if my understanding is correct, the new string $html I would like to add should be placed in the function as the second parameter. My problem is I don’t know how that string was originally constructed so I can replace on the part I need. You said I can use the print_r function to figure it out, but I don’t know what I ‘m supposed to apply it. In a normal situation, I would be placing the function at the end of a code segment to check my work with a browser, but I’m lost when using the Code Snippets plugin to perform this action.


    in reply to: Geo Directory showing variables in Live Site #438699

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    I’m surprised the entire database did not update. I changed the URL in the DEV environment before I exported the site. I’m going to keep this plugin around for future projects. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #435266

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    If I have to write a custom function passing in the $post_id and pulling the string from the table I will, but I just don’t want to have to rewrite a function I know already exists.

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #435265

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    The situation is pretty simple. I’m making a change to the geodir_details_main_content tag by changing the function it calls. By default, it calls geodir_action_details_slider, creating the slider at the top of the listings details page. I want to replace the slider with the video associated with the that particular $post_id. There is a function that creates the video wrapper on the video tab, but I can’t find it the code. I’m not sure if it’s a documented function, so I’m asking if anyone can identify the function. If so, I can call it in place of geodir_action_details_slider. Thanks.

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #435239

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    Hello again.

    I appreciate all the help I’ve been given. After taking some time to learn more about WP, I realized I only need the name of the function that generates the video on the Video tab. Can anyone tell me what it is, or tell me where to look in the documentation for it? I started going the functions, but there are a lot of them. Searching using the term “video” didn’t seem to return the right function either.

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #434354

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    Thanks for the assistance. You’re right, I need to get more familiar with WP. I am totally comfortable with PHP, but this is the first time a client has asked me to change a backend function. The list of useful plugins is helpful, and your example is clear, but I don’t need to try to know what it does.

    You removed the function altogether, then added it back again, but this time you called a custom function. I might have one more question after I try to use implement the videos, being the call will include a variable that’s somewhere already in the plugin.

    Off the top of your head, do you know what variable the video URLs that are collected through the places form are stored in?

    Thanks in Advance
    WP & GEO Newb…

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #434308

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    Okay, after some basic research, here’s what I’m thinking.

    geodirectory/geodirectory_hooks_actions.php (active) is where I need to add the hook you just listed. Is that correct?

    Won’t this be overwritten by an update?

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #434303

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    Thanks Dirk,

    I’m a little unfamiliar with implementing filters in WordPress. I’m a completely custom developer and I’m adjusting to not being able to just rewrite the code (as it will be overwritten during updates), so do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions?

    1. Where is all of this code implemented? Is there a place in the directory theme for adding and removing actions, or is this something that WP provides?

    2. You’re clearly passing an array of variables into the remove_action function, what does the “30” represent>

    in reply to: Video Support for Map Listings #434301

    RTRDigital Administrator
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    First off, I didn’t know there was a GDv2 Beta, so thanks for that. Secondly, I need the video to appear in two places, the map pop-ups/markers and on the top of the individual listing pages of each business. Right now, the map markers use the featured image, and the page listings show an image carousel at the top of the page. Can you help me?

    Directory Newb…

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