Kai Liu
Forum Replies Created
Thanks Gusst.
For V1, it does auto create new category name as importing csv. This is how i did the first project. I never created any categories in advance. I just edit them as when they are created, add map pin and default images. This is also the reason for this post because v2 is different, there is mo other way apart from creating category in advance, also need to remember the ID. Category handling works exactlh the same like locations.
By comparing both methods, auto create catehory when not existing is better and more convenient, especially when dealing with many categories. Save lot of time to create categories manually.
Anyway, if V2 designed like that way, we have no choice but to follow.
Found an issue with categories. This seems going backward from V1 to V2.
In V1, system will take all category names in CSV source file and create new categories in CPT. In V2, all imports going to Uncategorized. This is very inconvenient comparing to the way V1 handles category name.
This will force us to create categories in advance before importing, and will increase change to make error such as category name spelling. Also, we need to insert categroy ID to CSV files which we do not need to do in V1
Why GD remove such good features?
I have tried to use the existing test csv, and correct those 2 problem field names: contact (to phone), timing (to business_hours). It works. That means V1 sample CSV is alright, but need to change field names to V2, and field names are case sensitive too, first trial I use Business_hours (B in capital) and it did not work.
Attached excel screen shot showing all the fields I used. Highlighted fields are those different to V1 CSV.
good to know that
That means the sample csv is not correct?
Can you confirm if csv requirement is different between GDV1 and GDV2? I have projects in both versions and will share partial data. If different, we need to prepare 2 versions
Hi Guust,
I have tried. It is event worst, more fields were missing. Please see screen shot
please advise
Anyway, will rename csv fields and try again
Thanks Guust,
Do you mean that we have to use identical field names to work?
Source csv use email and website instead of geodir_email, geodir_website and they were loaded without issue.
Strange that the listing sample using phone, contact was doenloaded from your website too whrn I decide to use V2 for current project, because i want to reconfirm if any difference between v1 and v2. I was thinking you have simified the field names somehow.
Please confirm
I have built a new page like GD home from scratch with the homepage header map shortcode, now it looks find.
I find that changing GD home map widget setting doesn’t work. I have to change the short code on Header option section.
I tried many methods while working on projects. I find that if you need a customized design, much easier to start from blank page, and layout the way you want it, insert widgets to any rows and columns you want to. This also avoid active theme over write you design.
Also, popular editors (I use Elementor) have widget addon to let you insert extra kinds of widgets by just drag and drop, front end editing, fast and efficient.
Most of the case it is the page template you choose. If you choose default template, it goes with your active theme. I over come this by cboosing full width template. Wish this helps.
Thanks for that. I will check it shortly.
It is strange that we have buikt several WP projects, all using buddy press. But without touching this setup at all. One is BP + WP Jobs, this one is GD V1 + BP, the current developing one is GD V2 + BP.
Also, our undergoing GD v2 project also integrated with BP and we did not configure that too, and it works. Only this particular project has issue.
Thanks for finding that out, we will check this if encounter the same issue.
Just received a new user registration notification to admin. Howdver, this email is not logged in Email Log. I believe that user did not receive activation email as well. Have you found out the issue yet?
Great alex. Thanks. I wl try it out later. Now fixing the GD home. I make a custom home page without map to speed up loading speed which indeed drop from 15 sec to 6 sec. And i have made GD home as Map View page as option for user. However, it worked the first day, next day the GD home page becomes blank. Not sure why, i am rebuilding it by adding the widgets back on. Strange
Just found that the site is not right.
Map view page (originally front page of GD) is not working, all empty now.
Also, I was trying to upload csv, it keeps generating error. Even I try to upload csv which was successfully upload, now generating error as well.
Please advise
I kniw why. Email log has its own user role setting. Default only open to admin. The account you use is a keymaster. Now it has been authorized.