Kai Liu

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  • in reply to: Registration form #462276

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368
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    in reply to: Load Data Behavior #462126

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368


    For your suggestion:

    1. Yes, to hide email, simply don’t “Show in what locations” and make sure it is not included in a gd_post_meta in any of the templates. Even if it is not displayed (unless hidden by a package) the GD > Ninja Form -> Contact form will still work. The NF integration stores the submission then sends an email to the listing email address. For your “own messaging system” you could put together a similar integration.

    If not showing email, how NF recognize which email to send to? NF produce shortcode with form number. Do we just add this code to the detail page some where, NF will know which email to send to? Or if any integration setting required?



    in reply to: Registration form #462125

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    This is the previous project using V1.

    I am working on another one using V2. In this one, even WP SMTP generates error message, subscriber still be able to receive activation email.

    Very strange


    in reply to: Registration form #462124

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368
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    in reply to: Registration form #462122

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    I tried to use test email function in WP SMTP, email log plugin can catch this test email.

    As mentioned before, the admin email can receive all notifications such as new user registration, new listing published etc.



    in reply to: Registration form #462120

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks kor,

    I have just tried. This plugin does not catch activtion email to new user

    Any suggestions?


    in reply to: Registration form #462118

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks Kor,

    Which one do you suggest? I am currently using WP SMTP. I have tried to install POST SMPT plugin which has log feature. However, it could conflict with WP SMTP.

    WP SMTP works on all my other projects tho. Even this one, admin can receive email. Just Subscriber cannot.


    in reply to: Load Data Behavior #462104

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks alex for the detail reply

    Regarding geocode, apart from filling up missing lat/lon, it would be better to correct address to standard format as well, eg google api call will return google standard and correct address, city name, post code, region according to google map records. This is very useful for less cleaned data or some legacy data with address in a string consisting address+city+region+postcode. Google api can return correct address formt, city, postcode region (good for case like mis-match city and postcode, address with unit number) and country name(good for case like Congo, also standardize country name for US, UK, etc those with many kinds of format). With this, country table is no longer required too.

    Which forum is appropriate for discussion of performance of GD. I have built projects on V1 and V2, study quite a lot in improving homepage loading performance.



    in reply to: Load Data Behavior #461976

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    hi stiofan,

    Thanks for your info. Please re-confirm if importing process will fill lat/lon automatically as I remove some records without lat/lon.

    Another question, when GD compares country name, is it looking for exact match or not. In my last project, GD set some countries with default location causing me lot of time to clean that up. Now i clean source data manually to ensure city rdgion and country are correct.

    We had script to auto correct and standardize address using google api in other non wp projects. It will be good if GD incorporate this, use it or not subject to user setting, as it costs money to call google api. For us, I would rather pay api calls to auto correct and standardize address using google api, save lot of time and labor.

    I did suggest about country issue in other post that it wojld be good if GD treate country name like region or city, save as per source file. And we can easily adjust via phpadmin or location manager in batch. With a wronf default, we have to clean it up one by one.

    Coupke of data protection questions,

    1.for email field, can we hide it from expoaing to visitors, but visitor can email message to business via our own messaging system?

    2. Good if we can specify number of records to show per search per, to avoid data scraping. When user reach last page, force user to re-enter searching criteria and search again. This also help directory operator to make some advertising income because imoression spaces are limited.



    in reply to: Load Data Behavior #461637

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    I found that there is a country table in all WP sites. Is GD country name identical to this table or GD has its own country name standard?

    in reply to: Strange bug #461635

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thank Alex, I just reinstalled CPT, then it goes back to normal.

    in reply to: Custom Post Type #461299

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks alex,

    Then I need to think carefully if I use main as CTP or put everything under PLACES.



    in reply to: Multiple maps #461298

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks, it is not too late to know. I did not destroy the V2 version, I just re-develop another one in a new domian. Now I got choice

    So, is Geolocation auto in active? or we need to make it active somewhere, can you show me screen shot where to make it available in V2?



    in reply to: Multiple maps #461265

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368
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    in reply to: Short code list #461231

    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    I do like the way in V1 where a. Small dropdown show up with country region city and auto swithed to visitor location.



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