Kai Liu
Forum Replies Created
When will geolocation and near me available. They are critical features.
Thanks Guust, i found out that the looking glass was actually added to menu bar by Kleo theme which can be switch on and off. Sorry for the trouble
Just one more question, there is a search magnifier icon on primary menu bar, i believe this is part of GD menu as it doesn’t show in Appearance > menu section. How to get rid of this search magnifier button?
Also, where to config to allow geolocation/near me to be active, so that website will detect visitor geolocation and change displaying listings to visitor location?
(please ignore the attacment of this post)
Hi guust,
Sorry that i did not realize there is V2 forum.
Will find it and post there.KOR,
I ended up custom built fro t page, icons and place them myself.
I used to be your situation, but not with wp. I appointed developers to develop directory for me ended up spending tooooo much, taking tooo long(over 3 months) and did not satisfy my expectations in terms of features(less than 1/4 of what GD provided) , UI and UX. This made me look for alternatives.
I found GD V1 on Oct 2018 and decide to give it a go. Now I have launched one in V1 (currently promoting on Facebook ads) and working on another one V2, which is almost done. The current one i was planning to use Supreme theme but Buddy Press section visual style doesn’t meet my expectations. I purchased other theme and build front page from scratch, from page structure, category icons etc. all custom built.
I do recommand GD, it is the most value for money, full featured directory plugin i ever tried. Now with API (which I haven’t tried yet) which allows me to develope plugin for a chat app and interact db via api calls, that’s a plus to my project. And the supporting guys are very helpful to answer my questions in prompt manner.
Good luck and happy new year
WP5 got plenty of complaint about nrw block editor. While WP team tried to force people using new block editor and ended up there is classic editor as plugin. If you install fresh wp, there is actaully option to tick if you want classic editor or not.
I found that i can use Elementor Editor to manipulate GD short code as WP widget with all options/parameters you can find in short code editor of classic editor.
It is just matter of time to get familiar with new interface. I believe latest is better, just need time to get used to it.
Like GD V2, initially I wipe off GD V2 and use GD V1 because UI is very different. Now I force myself to adopt V2 because I believe it should be better or they will not spend time to release V2. I am getting there now and more familiar with V2. Soon I will be facing new challenge to convert existing projects done in V1 to V2. It is kind of risk to convert.
You mean config in here? or somewhere else I can enable Near me? SSL is not an issue, all our sites has SSL
How about visitors geolocation? Still in V2
Thanks Alex, Found it. Has it been changed in V2? V1 has little box under button to select country/region/city, now it is a pop up. possible to use the old style?
Checked short code editor, it can be done also via Elemator Front End Editor.
Some short code in V1 seems not available in V2, right?
Also, in V1, I can choose to put Location Switcher on main menu, but could not find this option in V2. Is it depreciated or live somewhere else?
Thanks Kor,
It seems available ONLY in Classic Editor, right?
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks Kor
Did not realse there. I changed featured.jpg in theme/image folder, change via customize page, did not realized it was there. Used to use Kleo theme where everthing is configured in setting.
Thanks very much for you guys.
Another add listing error issue i will have to create a new post
But how to change background image of the home page? I have tried to upload my own image in Customize Theme, but new image will not show even I press PUBLISH.
Please advise
SUPREME logo change found.