Kai Liu
Forum Replies Created
Hi Patrik,
Tested, it works. Thanks.
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks Kor,
I did tried to use Short Code widget, it crashed. Strange enough, short code works initially if putting it into Paragraph Text box. I did not UPDATE and returned, so I did not know if front end shows or not. Will give it a try in blank new page see if front end shows.
Apart from gd_add_listing, other short code seem all available as GD widgets.
Will test it shortly and see what happen
Hi Guust,
Another question relating to this post.
I have deleted all Uncategorized category generated after creating CPT. If I create a new category “Others”, and use this cat_ID as default_category, put correct category as post_category in import source.
If I do that, will any mis-matched/orphan records goes to that Others category?
NOTE: I will only import CSV CPT by CPT, will not mix CPT into one CSV.
Thanks Guust,
I switched V1 back to V2 now. I use plugin to backup the whole site including WP.
To switch, delete everything in folder, and FTP installer backup zip to folder and run its installer.php to overwrite the whole DB and bring back the whole lot, WP, GD, plugins, settings, media, post etc. Not switching plugin alone.
In future, I can build a ready to go directory project in 30 mins with everything setup, if need to. Just need to change site title and logo.
Thanks for you help.
There are post_category and default category field. What do we set on default one?
Also, when I check database table, the post category value looks like “,77,” why are there commas in post_category value? If I make category CSV, do I just use a figure value (cat id)? can I leave default_category blank?
You also mentioned that WP assign Cat ID, so cat ID should be NULL too. right?
you convince me to continue using V2. I did actually wipe out the site I was working on and put GDv1 back on. However, I did clean backup (without content) for GDv1 and V2. lucky. I can easily wipe it out again and put V2 back on to the stage I was. I can easily switch between V1 and V2 as long as no data has been loaded yet.
Thanks Guust.
Thanks. I will try that.
Final question, just to reconfirm if I can import category by CPT, and not doing all the CPT all at once?
for cat image and marker, will full path be automated? sample file shows only file name.
For category import, can I leave highlighted fields in blank and do those in GD settings?
can we specify category ID ourself or have to leave it blank for system to assign?
How about upgrading V1 to V2? How safe to do upgrade?
I understand what you are saying, such as mis-spelling causing trouble. However. if mis-spelling happened, it will create a new category and will not lost any data. When checking CP category section, we can easily detect this. the extra work to correct mis-spelling category is much quicker than creating categories and try to match Cat ID in source files.
Especially for the projects I am working on, CTP will be 30-40, each has over 20 categories.
If V2 cannot create category while importing, I think I will wipe out this V2, and put V1 back on.
Just checked performance of V1 and V2 using GTmetrix, V1 has 200k records loaded, while V2 is currently empty. Huge difference in performance too.
I did my whole site data import in 8 CPT each has more than 10 categories all like this. Never manually created category at all. Otherwise, I would not raise this issue.
This automated method save me lot of time to create categories, match cat ID, and need to save them for data processing.
Opss, I cannot submit CSV here.
more… with CSV dummy file. You can try in V1
Please see the process in sequence of screen shot. Proof that V1 can create categories on the fly.