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  • in reply to: awkward checkout flow using checkout #53429

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    you can close this thread. for now, i’m just going to send them back to the invoices page on a failed payment. sending them back to the cart with their address pre-filled with previously entered data looked like more trouble than it was worth.

    if anyone wants it, here’s the code to put into



    if (isset($_REQUEST[‘err_msg’]) && $_REQUEST[‘err_msg’]) {
    echo “<h3>”.$_REQUEST[‘err_msg’].”</h3>”;
    echo “<h3>”.__(‘Your post has been saved, please contact support to arrange for it to be published.’, ‘geodir_payments’).”</h3>”;


    if (isset($_REQUEST[‘err_msg’]) && $_REQUEST[‘err_msg’]) {
    echo “<h4>”.str_replace(“+”,” “,$_REQUEST[‘err_msg’]).”</h4>”;
    echo “<h4>”.__(‘Your vape shop’s info has been saved, but your payment didn’t go through.<br><br><form id=”backToInvoices” action=”‘.site_url().’/gd-invoices/”>
    <input type=”submit” value=”Please Try Payment Again By Clicking Here.”></form><br>If your payment continues to fail, please contact support to arrange payment before so we can publish your upgraded listing.’, ‘geodir_payments’).”</h4>”;

    you’ll want to change the contact form link to whatever your contact page is. this will add a button to your failed card transaction page that will send them back to their invoices list so they can hit Pay Invoice and try again.

    in reply to: billing address #53300

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    hey stiofan, i haven’t forgotten about this, just been having some issues with the bank that’s running my gateway. i’ll have it straightened out soon and i’ll skype you. i’ve already made the fields i need in the class, i’ll test it once my gateway is working again and we can talk about how to integrate it into the core so i don’t lose my changes on the next update. talk soon.

    in reply to: billing address #52969

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    That sounds like a good idea. I won’t have time to skype today but I’ll add you and get in touch within a few days.

    in reply to: billing address #52949

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    yeah, we really need it. we’re showing place listings related to places that sell tobacco and vapor products, so have to had to go with a high risk processor. the chargeback rate in the tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and porn industries are really high. most credit card processors wouldn’t let us use them. we tried to get an account with stripe so we could do recurring billing but they rejected us.

    so our processor requires we do some kind of address verification. i’m surprised no one’s asked for this before. i can’t think of the last time i used my credit card on the internet when i wasn’t asked my billing address to verify the use of the card.

    i program myself, so i can probably make the changes to the class, but my changes will be wiped on the next upgrade, so it would be amazing if this was something you could integrate into the official release. i can see this being useful for a lot of your customers.

    in reply to: billing address #52936

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8


    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    got it. didn’t realize it was the directory home page. i added the GD -> Popular Post View widget to the home page and set it to “enable location filter”. all good now. thanks.

    in reply to: Geotravel demo bugs #50149

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    if you want to see what i’m talking about, the behavior is the observable on the geotravel demo site.

    from a phone, you can’t use the submenus for listing, add listing, or change location.

    tested on iphone and android.

    in reply to: Geotravel demo bugs #50148

    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    wondering if this…

    “Submenu elements arent accesibles from mobile devices.”

    was ever fixed. having issues with the “change location” header menu not showing state and city lists. works fine on desktop browsers, but not on mobile. on mobile browsers (been testing on an android phone) when you start typing a city name, the list is blank. if you click the blank spot, you get to the choices that should be showing up, but i don’t think users will know to click the blank spot to choose the city.

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