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  • in reply to: Installation #221021

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Good afternoon Giri

    I had submitted a list of issues this morning, but it seems this post has disappeared.

    1. 75% of the time when you enter my url =, instead of going to the home page, the webpage now forces a user to the location page with the map. I have noticed the last 48 hours that now this is happen when navigating to other pages on my site. For example, if you open a random blog post, instead of the blog post, the site is forced to open the location page with the map. THIS HAPPENS EVEN WHEN I DO NOT HAVE THE EVENTS PLUGIN INSTALLED

    2. You said you fixed the ´event´plugin. I would appreciate that you give me this patch so I have it for any other site where I install it. I uninstalled the events plugin and reinstalled it, because two reasons, (one) see above. My site would not go to the home page ever and when it is intalled…(See item #3 below)

    3 When ´event´ plugin is installed, the events listing page for all events and for individual events shows a 404 error when I try to select them.

    4. 50% of my listings are not showing up on the map. I refresh the cache 3-4 times and 25% of the time it will shows up again, but for the last 8 hours, I have not be able to see all the listing even when refreshing.

    I think that was all the issues. Thank you for you help.
    I really need to get this live this week.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    The error: Warning: Missing argument 2 for geodir_event_title_recurring_event() in /homepages/40/d333763067/htdocs/wordpress-BBQbcn/wp-content/plugins/geodir_event_manager/gdevents_hooks_actions.php on line 204

    is back again on my front page when I have the ´events´plugin activated. 🙁

    Please help Thank you

    in reply to: Map: No Records Fount #220099

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    We were working on it, and thought it was fixed, but it still is not working. When the Event plugin is activated, it keeps forcing my home page to refresh on the map page:
    Even when I put in my url only: , it still automatically opens this page,

    I appreciate all your effots on this, as I really want to use your plugin.
    Thank you

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    The events plugin is still not working. I had to disactivate it again, when it is activated, it keeps forcing the home page to open up the locations/ map page. No matter if I put or click the home page icon in the menu, it always reopens the map page
    Please advise. At this time, I have deactivated the plugin.
    Thank you

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Thank you. Ok. Let me see if I can make it work. Just would be more clear to go back to the map page.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    one last little thing.
    Sorry, in the navigation, is there anyway to make the home button go to the map page (, instead of the home page of my entire site.
    See attachment.
    Thank you

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Ah great. It now appears that it is all fixes. Great. Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate all the effort from you and the other here. I will continue to recommend this product.
    HAve a nice weekend

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    ok, I did clear the cache and it keeps forcing me to the map page, instead of my home page 4 out of 10 times, even when I type in only my url

    I will keep it active and keep watch on it.

    The map´s lower navigator bar is still not correct. I have cleared all my caches in wordpress and in my browsers, firefox and chrome, it still looks like the attachment.

    And in safari, firefox and chrome, the top bar still does not work, nor the links to my categories.

    Thank you for continuing to look into this.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Unfortunately no, I think you added this code, maybe: error_reporting(E_ERROR);
    This does not work, and now my front page opens to the map and not my original front page.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Do you see the error all over my home page? Please let me know if I need to continue to keep this active. It looks very bad. Thanks.

    in reply to: White screen of death #219617

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Ok. is it active.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    My site front page. But not now because I have deactivated the plugin.

    I just tried the login and it worked for me. Please try again
    Thank you

    in reply to: White screen of death #219610

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Try now. Thanks

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