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  • in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #397690

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    No sir. I have not touch any permissions, nor anything, just when I saw that string of code at the top of my website, I deactivated the plugin.
    Just checked 1and1 and the disk does not appear to be full.

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #397669

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Good afternoon @stiofan

    Recently, my site shows a strange string of code in the header (in the back office and front end) that seems to be generated from the WP Cache(see attached screenshot). I tried to check the setting, but I also get an error that says the WP Cache plugin is broken.

    The only way to remove the error is to deactivate the plugin.
    You have any thoughts on what or why?
    I appreciate your effort to continue helping me with this.

    in reply to: site down #396580

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Thank you Guust. I am talking to 1and1 to figure out what is the problem. Cheers

    in reply to: site down #396576

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395710

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Cheer mate. I have also removed the slide WD because I was seeing that the photos were slowing things down. I spoke to 1and1 and they sped some things up. I see you removing Jetpack significantly speeds up the load time. I will keep an eye on things.

    I appreciate your efforts.

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395615

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    I appreciate your efforts to help, but not sure if it offers much.
    I have 1and1 hosting
    I have more plugins (66 & 73 for example) on my other sites and they load much more quickly.
    I have now erased several Geo plugins, Geo-suggested and other plugins, so now, I have:
    17 Geo plugins
    3 Geo suggested Plugins to make the Whoops theme work as instructed by Geo.
    6 cache plugins to help speed things up, but do not need all of them.
    15 other plugins I need to use.

    I will contact 1and1 again to make sure that everything is config well there, but if there is anything on the Whoop theme that can make it quicker I would appreciate your help. I do not believe the plugins will affect the load as much as other issues I have been reading about.
    Cheers, thank you

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395521

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395520

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218
    If you can take a look, I would appreciate it.

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395469

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Thank you, I appreciate that, because it is really really slow.

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #395304

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    I tried those caching system, and it broke this site. They work on my other sites though. I ran a page speed test on google, and got 11/100 and it is saying I need to compress css and js files for Whoop Theme. I tried to install a plugin to compress this, and that the site would not speak with the plugin.
    Before the latest update of your software that I applied last week, my site loaded fine, now it is 14 seconds to load a page.
    Any chance there is something installed wrong?

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #394607

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    Thank you Paolo. Now I understand. For now, I will leave it deactivated.

    Actually, since I updated all the plugin this week, my website is running extremely slow.

    Any suggestions on how to speed it up?
    I have deactivated all plugins I do not need.

    Thank you in advance.

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #394361

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    I do not have it installed, because it was breaking my site. I uploaded the plugin, and my back office only showed white blank pages, when I uninstalled the plugin, the white pages went back to normal.
    Please advise

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #394340

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    September 4, 2017 at 8:46 am #394155 REPLY


    Full Member
    Post count: 187
    Now, when I go to login, after I put the correct details, the site refreshes to this page:

    But it is a blank white page. I signed in and out, tried on three browsers, and cleared all my cache/ cookies.
    please advise, thanks

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #394339

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    September 4, 2017 at 1:49 pm #394215 REPLY


    Full Member
    Post count: 186
    #1 – the code for reordering the tabs to show Profile before Review did not work.
    #2 – It appears the following Geo plugins is causing the break – GeoDirectory AffiliateWP Integration

    Thank you

    in reply to: Re arrange the tab order #394317

    Expired Member
    Post count: 218

    What about the broken plugins, that seems to break my site? What to do about those? Thanks

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