Stiofan O'Connor
Forum Replies Created
The dashboard addon is now built into GDv2 so is not needed or compatible with GDv2. Also the GD affiliatewp addon is no longer used for GDv2, that is now an addon for WP Invoicing.
Try disabling those two and let us know how u get on.
Thanks for the info, that worked 🙂
Please check now, FYI all i did was use the GD>Status>Tools>clear version numbers, which runs the setup functions again.
Almost all addons have a check in them to not load if the GD plugin is not active, the WP function that checks this is done via folder name, so GD must be in the plugins folder “geodirectory” for it to look active to the addons.
The events cal and GD are loading the Google API, we add some extra stuff they don’t which would mean its better to remove their call, i have tried the standard way but it does not seem to be working:
function _my_events_cal_dequeue_script() { wp_dequeue_script( 'tribe-events-google-maps' ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', '_my_events_cal_dequeue_script', 100 );
If you can please ask them how to remove their API call that will solve it.
This should be resolved now.
Hi Kathy,
Something seems to have gone wrong for a few people, i’m working on a fix and will update you here once done.
The ideal setting would be admin only, it does not need to run on the Frontend.
Hi Birgit,
Sorry about that, the retroactive converter seems to have took your original membership date into account instead of the renewal, i have fixed this now.
You are welcome 🙂
Hi Steven,
Here is a code snippet you can add (via the code snippet plugin)
that will remove the property ones, you can do the same with any of them:add_filter('geodir_custom_fields_predefined','_my_hide_gd_predefineds',10,2); function _my_hide_gd_predefineds($custom_fields, $post_type ){ // You can unset any field you want unset($custom_fields['property_status']); unset($custom_fields['property_furnishing']); unset($custom_fields['property_typeproperty_bedrooms']); unset($custom_fields['property_bedrooms']); unset($custom_fields['property_bathrooms']); unset($custom_fields['property_area']); unset($custom_fields['property_features']); return $custom_fields; }
I can see you are getting frustrated, we have all been there, hopefully i can help you make sense of things 🙂
Let me list a few points:
1. All our content can be output either as a shortcode, a widget or a Gutenberg block (the new WP editor). So when i say “shortcode/widget/block” it was stating that you can do this in those 3 ways.
2. The “GD > Listings” is the name of the said shortcode/widget/block that you want to use. If you go to the widgets page you will see it named exactly that, and in blocks.
3. The settings inside the shortcode/widget/block determine what is shown, so its in the setting you tell it what you want it to output. You simply select the post type to gd_event and set the view, featured only etc.
I hope those points make it clear, if not just let me know.
Please check now,there was an issue with the activated domain.
If you let me know what you are trying to achieve i will point you in the right direction.
The two widgets you mention are the only ones events adds but that does not mean its the only ones for events, most others will work with events, for example if you want to display events you can use the “GD > Listings” shortcode/widget/block.
If you can post a link to your site i will check if there is an issue with images, by default we load images via AJAX which helps with load times but if you have a JS error on your page this can cause it to fail in some cases.
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