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  • in reply to: I can't get the category top description to show #957

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    Can anyone else tell me if they can add text and images to their category descriptions?

    Im nearly there with the site but this has put a huge wall in front of me…


    in reply to: I can't get the category top description to show #953

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Thanks Vikas,

    I am a little stuck until I know, I basically have to be able to run different sliders or adverts under each place category heading.

    Im on hold till i can figure this out… lol

    in reply to: Different days for events creates different listings #938

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    It does make sense..

    I have a show entered here that runs over three days:

    The problem i can see is a couple of the big shows like the idea home show run for around 45 days – so it would have 45 different entries by this system..

    Is this right?

    Thanks for your help 🙂


    in reply to: Anyone uploaded a csv yet for import? #936

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Just to confirm…

    I agree with the team here… just pull down the sample csv and open in OPEN OFFICE (don’t use excel) – you will be successful if you use the demo csv file in open office software which is FREE for mac and PC – YOU MUST have the following columns completed for every place in your csv file:

    post_type I put: gd_place

    post_address I put the full address I had, mine are not complete
    post_city I put the word ‘city’
    post_region I put the word ‘region’
    post_country I put the word ‘country’
    post_zip I put the word ‘postcode’
    post_latitude All my listings are geo coded so this must be put in
    post_longitude All my listings are geo coded so this must be put in

    The only other things I completed on the file was


    Every other column was left blank – when I say blank I mean the structure of the file and headers were NOT TOUCHED – but the fields below were left empty ( see file attached)

    The reason why I did the above is two fold, One – I am not looking for a directory that runs by city or region, I want a single worldwide searchable directory – also it looked very busy when I started entering 100’s of cities and region’s – also your database needs to be 110% clean and broken down exactly as above for the directory to work as it should, ie. when searching by city, region zip etc… if any of the columns for any of your places are missing a zip, region etc – the file will not load or will fail while loading…

    And Two.. I needed this running NOW, I have would rather have everything uploaded and then can work on changing or cleaning things at my leisure.

    If you are starting a brand new venture or directory the team has done you a massive favour, just use the sample csv file with the correct software and you should be fine…

    Remember to only upload 250 listings a time – I uploaded 250 then saved that csv file (250-1) then another 250 and saved (250-2) this means if things go wrong I haven’t over written just one file and then have to start again.

    Things I recommend you do to save yourself from going a little crazy..

    ** if you have a spare site or test install – play for a day testing things and learn what not to do – I broke the plugin twice 😉


    1) Start with a completely clean install and immediately back it up – so you can revert back to that completely untouched install if you need to.

    2) Install required core and plugins and activate – the first time I put in demo data which later caused trouble so I would avoid.

    3) I would then complete all the settings in the plugin, going through every option even if you think you don’t need to and save each section.

    4) Download the Open office which is FREE

    5) Download the sample CSV and open in Open Office – now save it and upload it to the new site – if it works go back to the file in Open Office and remove the three demo places and put a single one of your places in the file and save – upload – if this works you know you have the ability to upload all your places, if it doesn’t and it did with the demo places you have done something wrong… you have to then work out what you did – but if you follow my guide above you can’t go far wrong.

    6) Don’t try and upload to many files at once – I found 250 to be a happy number.

    Problems I found…

    1) Open Office sometimes drops of zero’s from the end of your geocoded addresses – right click on the longitude and latitude columns – go to ‘format cells’ and drop to ‘text’ input and click ok.


    1) Flex slider caused problems in my theme so I switched to elastic slide.

    2) I had the image problems – again this was under flew slider in css, I removed the min width and height.

    3) Under events – if a show runs over three days it shouldn’t have three entries – ideal home show is on for 2 months nearly so it would have 50 entries?

    I hope this helps.


    in reply to: CSV input #927

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Nitefader whats your issue buddy?

    Have you downloaded the sample csv?

    You just then keep to populate that making sure to fill in address, city, region, postcode, country and lat and long the other fields I found were not required so much – then save it in open office (must use open office) then upload 250 at a time (no more or have problems).


    in reply to: CSV input #923

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    This is the staging site:

    in reply to: CSV input #915

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    Its all about content and not having a niche market, we have been in our industry for 25 years – we offer free listings and we publish content daily.

    There is potential in these directory sites for over £100,000 a year with a lot of hard work.

    I will try and post some do’s and don’ts that i have found if the admins want me to about the business side over the next few days.


    in reply to: CSV input #911

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    I have cheated a little as i did before… I have got all my 7,000 companies into the new plugin…

    The things I would recommend..

    1) Only import 250 at a time.

    2) You must have all the address and geo location columns filled in

    3) It took me a night of playing around to get all the addresses in so its not to bad

    I cheated as I would have had to have gone through my whole database and found the city, region, postcode etc for every listing which I don’t have and time would be against me.

    I do have part address which I included in the address field and then just put the words ‘city’ in the city column ‘region’ in the region column etc and i will remove these from being shown in the listing.

    I DID have all my listings geo coded though which is required to show the listing on the map!

    Mine was a quick fixed to get all my listings live and then I can take time when I have it to correctly do things.

    My site generates a fair amount of money so I had to do it this way.

    I will update as and when I find that i have done things wrong 😉


    in reply to: CSV input #874

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    I do keep coming across issues to be honest but then with some fiddling and going back to the original download csv I can upload places…

    The biggest problem is to remove the block on requirement of city, region, zip etc…

    If you do not have all of these completed the install will fail – I don’t have all this information and I think most won’t but I do have all my 7k listings geo coded..

    I found even if i put in the words city under the city column and region under region etc I could then put my uncompleted address in the address field and complete the geo code and the place will upload.

    I am still working on this and will update.


    in reply to: Anyone uploaded a csv yet for import? #873

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Nitefader,

    I will be getting onto this hopefully a bit later tonight, I know I had a few issues with this last time, the csv file I managed to pull down from my old GT site doesn’t have the address in the correct order.

    I went back to basics after a few fails and uploaded the sample csv to my new site, this works perfectly – I then worked my way through the csv replacing and deleting each coloumn for example:

    1) I change the content for the title and did a test upload – All good
    2) I left the content in the title row blank and did an upload – All good

    I did this for nearly every column until I got the ‘no records added’ error – it seems that nearly every column can even be left blank and an upload is fine IF:

    You have the following correct:

    – Address
    – City
    – Region
    – Country
    – Zip
    – Long
    – Lat

    As far as my testing has gone, it will add the records if this information is correct – it also added the city – region and country to the map as well – i have only done this so far in testing.

    I am a little concerned about having 100’s of cities and region all added to my directory, in the past i just has a worldwide include all GT directory that worked well.

    I will update as I go


    in reply to: Not able to set up new categories #677

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    I have set up a completely fresh install and loaded my theme and GD – this time I did not install demo data and I am able to set up new categories with out any problems…

    I will keep you updated.


    in reply to: GD Breaks My Site When Deactivated #676

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    Yep I got a similar problem trying to fix the category issue – I deactivated the plugin and its killed the site.

    Just for future reference – we have to deactivate all other gd plugins first then the core plugin then things will be OK?


    in reply to: CSV input #674

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    I have got the import working with some playing around – bascailly you just have to ensure you fill in each of the address requirements – city, region, country etc.

    Also you have to have your catogories working and allocated to each place for it to show.

    It looks like the plugin automatically sets up regions and city’s as you upload the places – I thought you might have to put these in separately or first… maybe the team can confirm this is OK to do.

    The problem I have now is I can’t set up new categories? when I try the plugin asks for a pin image no matter what I do (from media file or upload) I get the white screen – I can exit the white screen but obviously can’t set up a new category.

    Will update later.

    in reply to: CSV input #664

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    I was on the same track Vikas as I just reimported your test data and it worked 😉

    Hopefully this is good for me as I only have 26 events and 5970 places phewwww!

    I will let you know how I get on…

    Thanks Team

    in reply to: CSV input #656

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Paolo,

    I am using your downloaded CSV file from the new plugin software – The only thing I changed on this was the name gd_place to gd_event

    When I tried to import i got the following error as in the image.

    I was not importing images though?

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