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  • in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #12330

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Any update

    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #12017

    Free User
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    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #12016

    Free User
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    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #12015

    Free User
    Post count: 51


    Did not see an update in reply to the issues I’m seeing with the map marker moving on zoom. Retested Again

    I assume the countries don’t change until you select one?
    Im currently Australia and the country showing in the Country Field for a new listing is UK

    Go to add listing: – steps taken

    1. Add full street and city address as text
    2. Then Choose Country
    3. Only presented with one city choice – is this determined by entering the city name point 1 above?
    4. Set Address on Map bears no relation the actual address

    Using test listings straight from tripadviser that have google map markers showing in tripadviser

    Image attached in private reply for reasons mentioned in first reply.

    So, cant set address, and what’s the correct process for setting the address


    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #11692

    Free User
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    in reply to: Very Unsure #11560

    Free User
    Post count: 51


    +1 For telling it like it is.

    Amazing, this post gets 3 instant individual replies from the development team, while being able to correctly set addresses on the map in GD is not on anyone’s priority list.

    Enough said!

    in reply to: Very Unsure #11537

    Free User
    Post count: 51


    I couldnt agree more with this statement – maybe someone will take notice. Its been a total waste of money, time and effort so far. Its run like a hobby not a business – with fixes maybe happening when the developers feel like it.

    Unfortunately, this has been money wasted. We can’t build a business on a project with a very haphazard support method and no experts who can assist for market rate pay.

    I’m not angry, but I seriously wish we had not bought into this product. I think GeoDirectory means well, but is going to gather a number of people like me who buy it based upon the promised feature set – then toss it aside in disgust. When you can’t even beg to pay for legit support, it’s not a product.

    in reply to: Address mapping to wrong location #11524

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Great. As soon as we can set the address for listings we can use GD in other projects.

    in reply to: Address mapping to wrong location #11379

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Hi Stiofan

    Thanks for the offer. We don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to GD any longer.

    You can find the details of the issue in this post, along with other users who are having similar problems in other countries.


    Its easy to replicate the problem, just add the countries mentioned and try to add any listings that you find on Google Maps for bars, hotels or anything to GD

    If GD develops a fix to this then by all means PM me and we will test if we can add addresses

    Not really sure why GD is using regions – its not something we are seeing in other directory products where the Google Map API works just fine


    in reply to: Address mapping to wrong location #11128

    Free User
    Post count: 51


    Please see my post in the location manager forum. It is not possible to set street and city for several countries in Asia as the REgion data is automatically added to the city. The region data is added is not accurate and added in the wrong hierarchy.

    E.g districts that are part of a city are added as the region data.

    If you follow the example I added as a private post it can be easily replicated to troubleshoot. It includes the Wikipedia defined districts. You can also jump on google maps and try to add any of the places that crop up for hotels, bars etc

    After 6 weeks of mentioning this we are now working with other directory themes. If you want to test any fixes you develop, please drop me a line.

    in reply to: Address mapping to wrong location #11020

    Free User
    Post count: 51
    in reply to: Address mapping to wrong location #11019

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    There appears to be an issue with the API configuration for regions in general.

    You mention this

    The problem here is really down to the google api for mapping addresses, it’s not great with regions, anyone who wants to work with me to try and get this 100% let me know.



    But the reality is regions can be geocoded in a number of ways and there is not realistically any universal approach that can be applied for every country in the world. Regions can and will be divided by political districts or states depending on the country level or ISO code.

    From Google Developer Docs

    region — The region code, specified as a ccTLD (“top-level domain”) two-character value. This parameter will only influence, not fully restrict, results from the geocoder. (For more information see Region Biasing below.

    I have posted several times in the location manager forum about this issue and there is no response apart from to say its the Google API.

    A more accurate statement would be that its not the Google API but the way that the data is coded in GD – working with Google Maps everyday as I do, its not Google that insists on the optional region geocoding for maps data – its GD. So the question is why?

    I have had to totally abandon GD at this point as its impossible to set an accurate city or address as the API Region data its pulling is NOT configured correctly for most countries in Asia. Its not even possible to correctly set certain cities as these pull in inaccurate region data based on the political/admin districts.

    If its that difficult at the backend, its not even an option to expect users to fiddle around with lat/lon, moving markers etc etc at the front end in the hope they can set an address

    Possible suggestions to resolve this include:-
    Prepopulating countries and cities only in GD
    Making the Region Data optional as it is optional in Google just not GD
    Configuring the Google Region API in GD for each country in the world to correctly match how the the city/region/country data is used

    Would love to use GD but setting addresses correctly is a fundamental requirement in GD that for now may or may not work depending on your location

    in reply to: Has Location Manager Changed? #10837

    Free User
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    in reply to: Has Location Manager Changed? #10743

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    In the original location manager region was not auto populated hence my question. I manually added whatever I wanted in that field. You can see other users did the same.

    Ok, so it has changed and I assume from the answer there is no option to have only city and country.

    Not everyone will want region and this was not mandatory at launch. The google maps API does not force region use, I work with it every day in a number of other capacities. It is GD that is forcing the use of regions.

    Region is not practical for certain countries as mentioned. It is changing my city names to be regional data that no one uses.

    Let me guess I can make it a feature request when my votes return and hope someone votes for it Region not to be mandatory as it was at launch.

    in reply to: Has Location Manager Changed? #10612

    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Please read the post. You were going to provide an update a month ago.

    How do you turn off region data auto population?


    How do you manually override this

    This is how the original location manager worked

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