Everythink works fine now with the middle alignment of the items, but cant the checkboxes be in a row horizontally? In the screenshot, u see that they take a lot of space in the way theyy are listed vertically…
…or would even a style like in the attached image be possible (multiselect from the list, without checkboxes)?
🙁 Then I have another problem :
I also need to use the Customized Search as standard, for all CPT. I tried this code u showed in a previous post, but it doesn not work, the moment I switch a CPT on the homepage, the checkboxes hide away when they shouldnt:
if(jQuery(‘.geodir-filter-container .customize_filter’).length){
jQuery(‘.geodir-filter-container .customize_filter’).show();
jQuery(‘.geodir-search input.geodir_submit_search’).hide();
jQuery(‘.geodir-search input.showFilters’).hide();